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__ j_ _ _ P 12O, P 18Oo 1 f_ Y__'_jO_ Fig_ 18_ Fitting needle bearíng. o'tp_t shaFf w Lw 1. Drift SVO 2417 l'6'' t ''a_ 'O_ A'''_bI''0 _' '''_d'''''''''I ''II'' 'I'''h_ ' _ 1. Spring _ha_ _hg ou_e, ,açe __,_g geçu,e_y __, _he ou_pu_ 2. Retainer gha_t. 3. Hub _ Check the gear wheels. lf the teeth on any gears should bg damaged, the gears must be replaced. Chg,k that the façi,g, o, the ço,e ç_u_çh a,e CheCk that the pIUnger mOVeS eaSlly ,n the Cyl,n_ ,ot bu,,t o, w,,,. Cheçk that the gp,_,,g, ,,g _,,- def_ Ensurethatthe plunger spring is not damaged. taçt a,d have ,ot beçome F,t_,g,,d. Ch,,k th, ,,,- Check the valve seating and ball to m8ke sure that façe o, the th,u,t bu,h fo, the g,,whee_ _,, the they are not SC,atcfed and are free from burr. F,o,t houg_,,g ha_f. The bugh ,eQu,_,gg ,ep_aç_,,g Check the control valve for damagg and mak8 o,_y ,F the gu,façe __, deep_y gço,ed. _, th__g çage sure tfat it runs easily in the bore in the fro,t the çomp_ete f,o,t houg,_,g ha_f w__th bugh m,,t housing half_ be replaced due to the cloge tolera,çeg ag fa, ag Check the relief valve. N.B. The relief valve concentricity with the housing is co,çe,ned. PIunger and seating are lapped 'in pairs. If either Check thg oil pump for damage o, the pump paft is damaged, then both must be replaced. plunger and roller. _ _ _ _- z_'7W__ Fig. 21. Assembling 'ni_directional rollgr cl'tc''h',W'''_ Fig_ 19_ Fitting the o'tp't 6haIt 1. Kgy 4-7
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