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P 12O_ P 18OO Wafplng. Llft Off the FfO_t hOUSInß hajf and bfake flnß. 4. L'IFt OUt the COne C_UtCh (43) Co_p_ete WIth thCUSt beafInß and gUnWhegj. Re_ove tfe fouf SPfIngS and PfeSSUfe Pjate. Re_Ove the çIfç_IpS fOC the SUnWhe0l (46) _nd beaflnß. Rg_OVg tifg SUnWhee_. PUj_ off the beaFjng ffo_ tfg Çone C_UtCh. PleSS OUt tfe beafIng ffO_ the feta_nef. 5. Llft OfF the pjanet ggaf (38) and plgnet gegf Cafflef (45). Re_OVe the jOCklng ping (42) _Of the p_8net gBaf ShaFtS by fjfSt PfBSglng the_ OUt Wlth a dllft Of Sl_llaf, See FIg. _5, and ihen fe_OVlng the_ WItf a palf OF P__gfg. _f __h_g _g nOt POSSIb_e_ dflj_ OUt the plnS Witf a guItabjg dflll. PfeSS OUt the pjanet geaf gha_g and _ fe_OVg the pjanet geafS. The need_e beafIngg In the p_anet agafg Çan be pfegged out with dfI_ SVO 2417, gge Flg. 16. 6. unSCfeW the bOlt and pU_j OUt the bUSh gnd g_ajl gPegdO_etef geaf. unSCfeW the nUt fOC _ the COUPjjng F_ange (26). PUlj OfF the CouPjlng. uSe PU_jel SVO 2216 FOl fOUnd COUpjlngS and SVO 2262 fOl OthefS. P_aCe the hOUSlng In a WjiLiWij PfeSS and pfeSS OUt the OUtPUt Shaft (25)_ Fig. 16. Removi_g _eedje beg_i_g in pJ$_g_ ggg_ 7_ Re_OVe the ClfClIp (36) Clate PCOdUCtlOn) and _. Df_i_t _v_ 24_p OI_ def_eCtOf p_ate (WaShef) (35) WhIÇh hOjdS the V V Unl-dIfeCtlOnaj fO_lef ClUtCh On the OUtpUt Sha_. LIFt OUt the CjUtCh Pa_S. Re_Ove thg thfUSt WaShgf (32). jf neCeSSay, pUjl OUt the needle be8fIng (31) ln thg OUtPUt Shaft WIth tOOj SVO 2423, Seg FI0. 17. PU_l OFf th0 beafIng On the OUtpUt Sha_ WIth a SUltable PUjjgf. 8. Re_OVe th0 P_Ugg and take OUt thg pa_S fOf the COntfOj Vajve, f0jlef Va_Ve and OUtlet ValVe FOf the PU_P. R$_OVe the lOCklng SCfeW fnd _ take OUt the Olj PU_p. jf the pU_P dOeS nOt CD_e OUt, fe_OVe the Va_Ve Seatlng WIth key SVO 2419, See Flg. 11. __hen pU_j the pU_p OUt Wlth pUjjef SVO 2418, See Flg. 12. _ IN__E__lN_ _HE OVE_D_lVE BeFOfe _nSPeCtlnß_, Wagh ajj pa_S tfOCOUQhly _n PafaFFln Of Whlte SPillt. Then CheCk a_l Pa_S Cafe- FUl_y fOf Wgaf, CfaCkS Of Othel da_Bge. _eFeCtIVe paftS ShOU_d be fePlaCed. CheCl_ the bajj 8nd ngedle b$aflngg fof çfaÇkg, WeaC Of Othef da_ag0 tO the b8jjS, negd_eg and _ i_ o . faCgS. Fig. 17. RemoVing ne$dje bggfjng, o__p__ g_$_ CheCk the Unl-dlfeCtlOn&j fO__eC CjUtCh. ROjjefS 1. _ul_g_ _VO 2423 and faCeS _USt nOt bg CCaCked Of Sçofgd. CfgÇk 4_6
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