Begin OCR Text:
P t2O, P 18OO __ _,
SVO z__8/ vo,,;x _
Fig. 1_. Remov_g the oil pump '
'! Fig. 1O. Adjusting the control valv$
1 _ontroI gauge 475 mm (3,__6'') di8meter d _ _ th d , _ d _ t
. ' ' ' an rear a_eS. emOVe e raln p Ug an e _
_ the oil run out into a confainer.
does not go in far enough to cut offthe control _. Remove the p_ug u,de, the o___ pump and take
CUrlent_ out the spring (8) and ba1l (6). Remove the
N.B. If the CUrrent thfough the Solenoid iS too va_ve seat__,g (p) w__th key _vo 24_g, see
high, the reaSon muSt be ascertained and the F_,g. __. __ea, a,d çheç_ the pa_,.
necessary measures taken otherwise the so- _ . . ._ . h
' 3 FeeI with a piece of wire or simi ar against t e
_ lenoid will be ruined. _ _ h h k h h
pUmp p Unger t at t 0 pUmp WOr S W en _ E
__ _. _ ._ output shaft is rotated. (Turn the engine round
e_ jItg t e Oi _U_Fl , e,w t;me, w;th th, ,ta,te, mo_o,, ove,d,ive
1. Disengage the overdrive so that anY residuaI engaged and electrical lead from _the ignition
oil pressure is removed (late production)_ On coil disconnected.)
early produCtion, engage and diSengage the The pump p_unge, st,oke shou_d be 3_ mm
overdrive 1O-12 timeS in order to do thiS. JaCk (o.__6__) (ea,_y p,oduçt_io,) o, q mm (o.__p__)
upthe vehicle and place blocks underthe front (_at, p,,duct_,o,). _e the p_u,ge, st,oke ;s
shorter, tfe pump must be removed and Ehe _
t _ d
leaSOn aSCer alne . _
Wz_7XW_z zJ6OJ
Fig. 1_. ffemoving thg va_vg Sggting. oil pump Fig_ t3_ ffemoving the v8lVe Se8tin0I reli$t VaIV$