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P 1 8OO O Z4l_ _ 'U''' ''' __ Fig. 29. Fi_ting reverse shaft V.,O,_L.v_.,o f . b_ h. k d _ a _oçki ng r_ng O SUita e t i C neSS an F_ 3_ F____,g ba__ bea,;,g o, i,pu_ ,_a__ h ._ ig. . i i fjt same. Fit the key. eccentric fOr t e Oj pump and lock_ing ring_ _. Fit synchronizing cone, 2nd speed aeaC whee_ and thrust washer on the Shaft_ _eIect a locking ri ng which fits well _ntO A__e_bl i ng gea rbo_ ever_ . i e .the ßrOOVe On the Shaft and f_t it _ F't th _ and gu _de Stud Flt the reUefSe 6 Fit the thrust washer 3rd SPeed 9ear Wheel ear and reverse shaft Ensure that the, . g _ and synchronizing cone on the Shaft_ groove in the reverse shaft (early prod ) h . _ Assemble the 3rd and 4th SPeed SYnC rOn''- _s turned correçtly The late production_ j . ing partS. Fit the Sprin9 ring S COrfeCt Y, reuerse shaft, with turned groove. iS fitted see Fig 25 Then fit the synchroniZef On the th t it projects J o J 6 mm (O 2J6_ _ so a . - . _ - . . ou si e ,ma_ n Shaft SeleCt a lOCkIn9 rin9 Of the o 3OO ,') t 'd the gearbox h OUSI ng correçt thiCkneSS and fil it See Fig_ 28_ see Fig 2g , . . . ace man r _2 P_ d e_ SVO 23O3 In fhe Id Ief ßear PIace in spacing washers and needles _ (2O i n each bearing) , Use 9reaSe tO hOld the needles and washefS in POS_tiOn_ 3. Fi K the waSherS to the hOUSln9 Wlth grease, and g U ide them into POS_fiOn With _ Svo 23o2 F_ jo _ th _d_er gear , see ig. . ay e i jn the bottom of the ho USi ng_ 4. Press the bearing onto the in PUt Shaft Wlth _vo o the help of drift SVO 241 2, see F_9_ 31 _ i3o O2 S ( t _ k_ ing of suitab(e thickness e ec a oc ing r and fit it. Place the 1 4 bearing rOlIerS fOr the m i s _a'n haft in positiOn On lhe InpUt Shaft u Se grease to hoId the rollers in PlaCe_ PleSS the input shaft i nto position in the hOUSjng_ Press the sea Ii ng ring into the COUeC Wjth drift SVO 2O1 O. Then fit the CoVer OUer the Fig. 3O. Fitting idler gear input shaft. Do not forget the O _rinßS fOF _ __,u,t wa,_er 3_ N0edle bear_,9 the screws (_ate prod ) _ _ . _ 4 _p,,_,,g w,,_,, _ _ _. pa,i_g wa, er . 4 - 8
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