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_ F_a 19. Removing reverse gear '__'''
for the idler and reverse gears. Driue out the
shaft tor the idler gear.
_ Not$. The shaft must be driven out V,O__
b8CkW8fds_ Let the idler gear fall into Fig. __. D_sma____ng _a_n __a__. _ 4o
the bottom of the gearboK.
7. Pull out the main shaf_.
8. Unscrew the bolts and remoue the couer
over the input shaft. Prise out the sealing 9_ Drive oul the input shaft. If necessary,
ring from the couer with a screwdriuer or f$mOue the locking ring and press the ball
similar. bearing off the shaft.
1 O. Take out the idler gear. PuIJ out the shaft
(ear1y prod.) for the reverse gear with
_ _ puller SVO 23O1, Fig. 19. Take out the
reuerse gear and other parts.
_ 1 a. GearboK with ouerdrive (_ 41 ).
Remove the locking ring and press off the
rotor for the overdrive oiI pump. Remove
the Iocking ring for the main shaft rear
_ , bearing. Slide the engaging sIeeve for
1st and 2nd speeds forwards. Place the
shaft in a press and support under the rear
1 b. Gearbox without overdrive.
Unscrew the nut for the yoke. Use tool
SVO 24O9 as a counterhold on the yoke.
SIide the engaging sleeve for 1st and 2nd
speeds forward. PIace t.he shaft in a press
and support under the 1st speed gearwheel.
Press out the shaft with a drift. see Fig. 21 .
_ 2. Remoue the synchronizing cone, thrust
U_O_L__ WaShef. engaging sleeves, guides and
Fig Zo. DismanrIing main s_afr. _ 4_ SPrin9S from the shaft. 4-5