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4_ I, bç_imb p,oe aa,I jeow, ab ,e m ,w,s kje eek w, eba a_b ,eg tg ae n,e hh ,a h dde eue_j twn ,_, t_s hjj _ed_ Saae ege ,I, a _nt , jkkh eç _t _e ,ae khh uu ,deee onwn , fdg, noeo_i aeej nn ,o na , eg t,d d, h,h_i ebe n eehe o,n e ee oK tf ma vb _ hI gy enI po eo ew ,d vj d, aaehek ,,ç ,_,h be_ ve pte oe eh eaI Ke e, ,dwo oh ,, owo Iouo e _mu po nI t, pda eoa_i o enn e _ik ed,dg ent ,_ ao,a w a,3Q fz n_ _i, e_ _ __ _e hn oh oe vecSp,m S_iu _i_R uF eo, n eoo t_i __I ,Ig ug_no te a_i d,d,e em ee,v , , oa ,,_i ,eçI t ae _iaof k oj Io vt v_i o,o ,o he_ ,g eve ev byet ,u enn w ,eehh _o_i _k dj çt_ tee Kuh ohe ,ett b_ _ieh e n_h vehhs ph, a a, ee e,, eee ee I_i n, p ,vI I _,je , So dae ,Ie_ ç, baç e_ Ievv, fe fo, ot _iç wot eo ,ot jo ov eeo Ie , t, eu n, e m_,, hç,t t,e, 4f ep et hRh oo of he fe _ eo deo eh vo, , ee gok , ev eme ,k ,fd beg ,eo ef go aoçp t, eo , Ibg hv_ gh ,,a jek__, tb, __a eee eaew n, ,bh oçba ,f t d e, bea oe Kk o, o _ig dj h ,, o,i_ vjj _gd eew t, __xe i_eg,, ,ba, oh eea ,_h h,, ee dIi_ b, e _iSpIe fI ejny ,_ ,ouf _ioçe , ejv __, v_i_ ,e wKj ,nt( eo o) ee,hi i_ _ g d_ he, , a_,, s ae_i ,_ 2e _pm o, , wa oahn e ev hju __i 4t fnee e _ine__j ,g, aI ,d d, 4,y d, h, _ ,__ _ _ P 1 8OO Fjg. 1 6. Fi__ing _lange ''7'' Fig. 1 8_ Removi'g g_a,b0X _ 5. SIacken the bolts which hoId the gearboK R E M OVl N G eo ehe cIutch casing. use spanne, S_o 2487 _ . _ife off ehe tunnel mat. Slacken and Iift up (3 f8 '' hexagon) or SVO 2488 (8 mm ehe gear lever. Remoue the cover on the hexagon) logether with ball jOjnt SVO 2427, _ eunneI and disconnec, ehe Ieads from ,he ehe eKt.ension and ehe ,atchee handle for lhe çontaçe, for ehe stop lights and, if fitted, upper bo Its, see Fig_ 1 7_ Pull the 9ea,bOK ehe ove,d,jue. backwards and lift it dOwn aS ill U,t,ated 2. _a,k up the vehicle and put trestles under in Fig, 1 8, ehe front and rear aKles. Slacken the eKhaust pipe at the manifold fIange and at the braçket on the ftywheel housing. .,_.3, . au,n,c,obu,p,Ie,,edhe ,,p,r,op,e,I IeI,r fsjh,,afge,,f.ropm, I Ieh.,e, ._Dhl,S Md,A,,N,.,pTtL.,,l,N Gb,j,w ,ppI.,,, t, g,,,bo,,, '_-_ ' ' = ''''''' '''''' _ . ',.'' ''''' '' '''' '' '''' ''' '''' ''' ''-'''
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