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1 _ 3 4 5 6 The gear _euer positions are shown in Fig. 2.
The power transMission path of the different
speeds in shown in Fi'gs. 3-7.
The design and function of the synchronizing
mechanism is shown in Figs. _1 O. When a gear
'is engaged. the gear selector fork presses the
engagingsleeue(3. Fig.8)towardsthecorrespond-
ing g$ar wheel. The guides (4) then press the
synchron'izing cone (2) against the cone on the
gear wheel (1 ). If the synchronizer and gear
wheel are rotating at different speeds. the syn-
chronizing cone wiII turn in relation to the
engaging sleeue. Howeuer. the synchronizing
cone is preuented from turning More than half a
_ooth w._dth by the gu._deg. gee F._g. g. The teg_h _
on the synchrorizing cone haue haIf their width
Fig. 8. Neutral posilion in con_act wìth _he teeth on the engaging g_eeue
l. Ring g8ar _. GUide and __n th__g way p_euent __t__om engag__ng Th_ough
2. Synchronizing con8 f. Synchronirerhub '
3. Engaging slpeve 6. Spring the friction between the SynChroni'zing Cone on _
the gear wheel. the gear wheel attains the same
speed of rotation as the synchronizer. When
they are both rotating at the sam8 speed the
engaging sleeve is able to turn back the syn_
chronizing cone and the gear engages. Fig. 1O. _
fig. 9. Synchroniziny
fig. 1O. Gear eng_nged