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P 1 2O, P 18OO
D E _ _ _ _ P _ _ O _
There are two types of clutch, both of which are a diaphragm spring. The diaphragm spring has the
of the single-plate dry-disc type. combined function of the clutch levers when de-
On one of these, see Illustration B, the pressure clutching and the pressure springs when engaging.
µlate (22) is operated by three levers (31 ) whiCh The çlutçh i, ço,t,o_led hyd,auliça__y. _hg ço_-
are aCtUated from the ClutCh Pedal (1 8) through trols consist of a mast8r cylinder (9) whiçh is in-
the hydrauliC controI system_ The neCeSSay f_uençed by_ the çlutçh peda_, a,d a ço,t,o_ çy-
Pressure is obtained from SiK Strong PreSsure linder (41) on the fIywheel housing (46), which
springS (24). The clutch release bearing (25) is açtuateg the ç_utçh via the çlutçh ,e_eagg fo,k
guided by a tubular eKtension on the bearing (33) and the clutch releasg bearj,g.
CoVer of the inpUt Shaft. The figu,eg _j, b,açkgts __, the teKt ,efe, to
On the other type of clutch, see Illustration A, ___u,_,atio, _ u,_e,, othe,w_jge ,tated.
' the levers and pressure springs are replaced with
_ _ ' _ E PA J _ _ _ _ _ _ U _ _ _ O _ _
Adjusting the _lut_h releose _ork troveI p 1_o w_TH B 16 E_G__E
ond _lut_h pedol ploy 1 . RemoVe the gearboK. Fo_low the _instruct_onS
In order to prevent the clutch from slipping, the g;,e, _,, _,o,p q3.
clutch fork travel (A, Fig. 1 ) must be checked and 2. Dj,ço,,eçt the ,etu,, ,p,_,g (3q) o, th, ç_utçh
i_f necessary adjusted every 5 OOO km (3 OOO miles). ,,_,,,, fo,k.
In the event of trouble arising when de-clutching, 3. Remove the ç_,tçh ,eleage bea,_,,g (25).
the clutch pedaI play (A, Fig. 2) should also be 4. Remove the gheet met,l ,,v,, ,,d,, th, f_y-
checked. whee_.
The çlutçh fo,k t,ave_ j, adjugted by mea,g of 5_ Remove the ClutCh releaSe fork (33) by fifSt
tfe nuts (1 , Fig. 1). __hese are adjusted so that
the clutch fork travel is 3-4 mm (O.12-O.1 6'').
_ The clutch pedal play should be 14O mm (5'/,'') .
and iS adjuSted by meanS of the nUtS (1 , Fig. 2). .. .,._. . _._
.'. . _h'' Fig_ 1. Clutch fork travel ''''''_N Fig. 2. Clut_h ped8l play
1. Adjusting nuts 1 . Adjusting nuts
._.. A. 3-4 mm (O.12-O.16'') A. 14O mm (5l/,'')
.. .. ...... 4-1