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_ I P 1 8OO Note. Never run the dynamo, when connected as above, at so high a speed that tf$ maKimum cur- rent is eKceeded. Faulty charging control. Test and adjust the charging control. See under the head ing ''Charging control''. CHARGl_G TOO HIGH WITH TH E BA7TERY FULLY CHARG ED . Faulty dynamo. Let the dynamo run at about half charge. Disconnect the field lead from the charging con- troI. It charging does not fall to zero, also dis- connect the fietd lead from the dynamo. If charg- ing faIls to zero, eKamine the lead, and if this is intact, the dynamo is Fau Ity so that it must be removed for repai r. _ High resistance at chassis connecting points. EKam ine the chassis connections of tfe dynamo, charging control and battey. Fautty charging control, Test and adjust the charging control. Proceed in accordance with the directions under the heading ''Charging control''. _ _ _. 3-4_ , .._
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