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q _ _ P 1 8OO F A U L T T _ A _ l N _ When fault tracing, it is of th$ utmost importance testing that the fault actual Iy lies in tfe part con- to proceed systematically. __his applies parti- cerned, or whether it is caused by outside in- cularly to th8 electrical system. If there is some fluence. The procedure when fault tracing should part of the electrical system which does not thus be as follows . fun Ction SatifaCtorily, the reaSon for the trouble _ F_ d _ h_ h _ _ F _i . In oU W l C par l S aU y. must always be established before any measures i k i _ _ i _i _ ih F 2. EStabliSh the reaSOn for th$ oCC Uren Ce of the are a en Or r0palr Or r$p aC0men . IS ere Of0 i ii_ _ i _ i i _ ih F _i _ faUlt_ nO SU l Clen J US O rep aCe e aU y pa Or instrument without first finding out by means of 3. Repair or roplace the parts concerned. _ FAULT _ _ _ REMEDY BATTERY BATTeRy D_scHARGeD oR DoEs NoT HoLD THE cHARGe _ Insufficient charge from dynamo. Adjust the charging controt. Acid level in battey too low. Top-up with distilled water. Loose or corroded t$rminals. Clean the cable terminals and tighten them pro- ' perly. Shorting in braka contact. Replace the brake contact. l nternal short in battey. Characterized by tfe fact that the specific gravity of the acid does not rise during cont_inued charg- ing. The battey must be replaced. THE B_TERY BECoMES ABNORMALLY WARM OR GAS ES STRONGLY Dynamo charges eKcessively. _ Adjust the charging control. Acid level too low. _ Top-up with distilled water. Battery has been poorly charged. Have the battery cfarged. _ _ nierna_ ghor_. _ep Iaçe ihe baiiery. STARTE R MOTO R TH E STAffTEff MoToR DoES NoT FuNCT_oN _ Battery discharged. EKamine the battery. Charge up or replace the battery. Poor connection and (or) earth ing. Check the connections on the battey, starter motor and control solenoid. Faulty control solenoid. Press the starter contact and check that the solenoid engages. If not, check to see whether cu rrent is obtained from the starter cont8ct when this is in the starting position. See also under '' Faulty starter motor''. A faulty solenoid must be , replaced. _ ,'
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