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P 1 8OO
LubriGating and adjusting the wind-
sGreen wiper motor, late prod.
The windscreen wiper motor bearings are fitted
l _th _ b _ t_ _ _ (_g F_ _oo) wh h
Wl a U rICa Ing WIC Ig. . en C ec-
8 king the wiper motor, the wic_ should be Iubrjca-
9 ted with a Few drops of oiI. The motor gear hou-
lD sing shouId be filled three-quarters full with Shell
)) Alvania 2 or equiva1ent.
, The clearance between the worm screw and gear
__ wheel should be O.O5-O.15 mm (O.OO2-O.OO6'').
The cable mechanism should be lubricated with
grease during assembling. The cables should be
__ stretched well.
r--- --_-- --= __
14 _
l8 _
Fig. 1OO. Wi_dsEreen wiper motor. l8te pord_ Fig. 1O1. Wiring di8gram ior winds__'r'een wiper motor,
Iate prod.
1. h1otor
1 Spr'ing _ _ _, ,
' 2. Sw_fC Ol par Ing poSItlOl_
2 Key S h
' 3. witC eS
3. Cover
4. Washe_s l Green lead
__. Gear whee_ Il BlaCk lead
6 w_she_s Ill Red lead _
7 Gcar fousing
8 cover \-
g. washer
h _ p_
1O Sw_tch
1 1. BaIl _
12. Rotor
13. Sfator
1O. Field coil
15. Brush
_i6. Brush holder
17. Holder
18. Spr_ng
19. Lubricaf_ng wick
2O. Bearing bush '_u''i'_''_'
21. Cover Fig. _O2. _ink gygtem gnd E_b_e meE_anj_m,
22. Ball (early prod.) late prod_