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P 1 8OO , VZOlLaV16O Fi0_ 78_ _djusting the _ontact breaker points '_. The fibre wasl_ers should contact the inside of the distributor housing. The stgel washe,s __..._ ghou_d çontaçf the __ange Zlal J _ F.e th b _ _ ' d Fig_ l9_ Removing the headlamp rim l e rea er p ate an digt,ibuto, cap catch springs, see Fig. 77. _ _ _ F.f eh . _ emOVe the headlamp fim aS ShoWn in Fig. 7g. _ i e p,_may te,m inal and Conneçf fhis eo the _ __ _ brea_erg and çapaç__eo,. _ aC en the SC,eWS mafked by a,,ows and 5 _f eh h b t Urn the headlamp insert refaining ring to the _ e COntaCtS aVe een rep_acgd, ensu,e _efe and i_jft __e off gee F__g go that the new ones lie correctly horizontai_y F h _ ' ' ' and fhat the__ , façes çiose f_ugh aga__nst eaç__ Or f e ate, type Of headlamp.. the screws a,e oehe,. Ad)_ustment çan be made w._eh a speç._ai removed entirely, see Fig. g_ . tool, for eKampte, Bosch E FAW 57 or simi _ja,. Only the fixed contact may be bent ag ghown ìn Fig. 78. Adjust the gap and cheçk ehe con- tact pressu re. 6. Fit the vacuum regulator. 7_ Fit the d riving col Iar and çheck fhe aKia_ piay. _ The fibre washer shou Id l ie againgf the dige,ibu- tor housing and the steel washer o, washe,s against the flange. The aKial piay must be min_ O, 1 mm (O.OO4'') maK. O.2 mm (O.OO8''). ._ 8_ TeSt the distributor in the disf,ibuto, eege bench_ The values g iven should be acco,ding tO those in the ''_peçifiçations''. H EAD LAM P_ Repla_i_g the headlamps The fol lowing section describes the p,oçedure for vu_vu removing the head lamps from ehe çar and d__e- _lJ4 t mant_ing ehem çomp_eee_y. _ n fhe çage of pa,e__a_ Fi9_ 8O_ Removing the he8dlamp insg_ re_ainjng dismane_ __ng, p,oçeed _in açço,dançe w._eh the ap- ring and fl8sher and parking iamp prOp,late pointS. A. _e_o,_,ng ehe g_,s, g. F._ee._,g ehe g_a_s 3-33
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