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P 1 8OO scored or worn down so that the dwe__ ang_e is altered. 3_ The holes in the centrifugal governor weights must not be oval or deformed in any way. The fibre washers (1 , Fig. 74) must be intact. 4_ The governor springs must not be deformed or damaged. DISTRIBUTOR HoUSl__ 1. The cIearance betwe8n the dige,ibuto, housing and shaft should not e_ceed O.2 mm (O.OD8''). _ In the event of eKcessive play, the bushes must i be repIaced 8nd, if this is not sufficient, the shaft also. _o_,,,o 2. The insulation washers for the primary terminal _ F_,g. 73. ffe_ov_,_g the dr_,v_,_g _o_lg_ ' ' mUSt not be Cr8Cked or CoVefed With oil, ag this will cause leakage over the primary ter- 3. ungç,ew the p,jma,y te,m_na_ gç,ew and ,,. minal_ moVe the washers belonging to it. 3_ The capacitor is tested with a glow Iamp con- _ 4. _emove ehe b,eake, p_aee. Th_g __g done by neCted to difeCt Cur,ent, or wieh a çapaçieançe unsç,ew,_ng the ewo gç,ewg wh__çh ho_d the bridge. çaeçh gp,_,ngg fo, the çap gee F_,g 72 When testing with a glow lamp at room tem- ' ' ' perature, there must be no discharging. When 5_ Lift Off the StOp Spljng (locking spring) and tegt,ing w.jeh wa,m çapaç._to, (6o 7o_ _ -- knock out the p_n for the driving collar and puII _4o-j_g,_ Fj up eo j_ d._gçha,geg-pe, m._nutg this off. Mark the position of the driving collar çan be aççe'peed in relation to fhe shaft, see Fig. 73. ' 6. Lift up the distributor shaft. b_ Assem ing 7. Remove the locking springs and springs be- wh b_ _ b t e th t _ _ d e e en aSSem _ng, U r_Cat0 the d_StribUtOr aC_ We n e Cen rl Uga ßOVernOl an COn aC d. t eh d. . . F. 7_ b k h fe d _._ th. COr inß O e ireCtiOnS jn ig. . lea ef CamS a an l IS Up. 8_ Wash all parts in petrol or white spirit and - - - _- -- _ Iay them out for inspection. _ Inspe_ti_g ' DISTfflBUTOR PLATE 1 , The surface of the contact breaker points _ . should be fIat and smooeh. The ço_ou, of the çontaçtg ghou_d be g,ey. o___d__zed o, bu,ne _ _ confacts must be replaced. After a long per_iod _ of use, the contact lip can be worn and the spring fatigued, so that the contact breaker shouId be replaced. 2_ The contact plate must not b8 loose or worn so fhat there is any burr. DlSTRIBUTOR SHAFT 1 _ Tfe play between (he distributor shaft and the breaker camshaFt must not eKceed O.1 mm - _____ (o oo4__) 2_87_ ' ' Fig. 74. Plate wifh fibre washers 2_ __he cams on the breaker çamghafe mugt noe be _. F,b,e wa6_e, _. _eg_,eeK p_a_e 3-31
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