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_ P 1 8OO 2. ASSeI7lblg thg _OfO_ and pjnion fougino. Fif the gn0a0lng af_, ffg Sfee_ wagfe_, ffe_ rub- bef WaShef and fhe go_en_od gwifçf. 3. FIt the StatOf hOUSing On ffe _ofor. _fen fjf the WaShglS On thg fofof ghaff, ffe brugf hOldgf plate and bfUShgS. Conneçf ffe çab_e fO fhe SO_gnOId gw_fçf. 4. F_t thg CO__UfafOf gnd gfie_d and ffen _ffe adjUStln0 WaShef and Ioçk Wagfef. Cfeçk ffe a_lal pIay WhICh ShOUId bg O.O5-O.3O __ (O.OO2-O.O12''). Fit fhe end ghie_d onfo ffe _ Sh8_ end. D___ff__U_Off Wz_IL_V__U _ _e_ov,__g Fig. 71. RemoVing the va_uum _egulgtor _ _1. L_Ft Off fhe dISfr_bUtor çap. F__, 2 _ k ff , _ f f l Iflg . al e pOSltlOn o f g ar_ on fhe djg- f _b f f . FItfjng IS dOng In the reVerge order fo re_ov_ng rl U Of OUSlng. ' _ lf fhe eng_ng haS nOt been nIoVed Wf__e ffe digfr_- _ 3. _jSCOnneCt thg prI_ary _ead (_ Fig _O) _ f _ _ _ f_f ff d_ f _b f _ ' I ' _ üU Or _aS û0en fe_OVeû, l e IS fl U Of In aC- 4. C7lSCOnneCt th0 hoSe on the Vaçuu_ regu_afor, COfdanCg Wlth fhe _alklng _ade Undef po_nt 2 IF fiffed. abOVe. 5. unSCleW the bOlt (6_ FIg. _O) and __ff up ffe d__gfr__bufof. AdjUS_lItg _he Ig_'l_'lO_ COnCefning fhe ad_USf_ent oF the IgnIfIon_ gee Paff 2, En0Ine. DjS_a___'Iltg _he dIS_fjbU_Of 1. PU__ OfF fhg fOtOf afnl. 2. _lSCOnneCt fhg VaCUU_ regU_ator by ungçrew- _ng the SClgWg ag SfoWn jn Fig. _1 and fhen and fhen _i__nß If Off. _. . . ,, _ 4 _ 2 3 _ 5 6 7 F_ _o D_ f .b _. d VOlVO Ig_ _ l5 rl UtOr Itt$ __3_ 1. L_ad fOf tol_ 2. Lubricating cup 3. Capacitor 4. AttaChing bolt for distributor . 5. Flang_ _ v__vu 6. Clamping bolt z_i__ 7. Clampìng catch for cap Fig. 72. Removi_g the bre8ke_ plate 3_3O
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America