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P 1 8OO _ub_i_atin_ S_he_e _of Sta_ef _otof USe BoSCh IUbriCant (or eqUíValent) in aCCord8nCe _ _ with the following designations. 1. Ft 1 v 8. Grease the rotor brake springs lightly. 2. Ol 1 v 13. Place the bugh in oil for 3O minutes befo.e fitting. 3. Ft 1 v 8. Grease the adjusting washers and __ shaft end lightly. 4. Ft 1 v a. Appty plenty of grease to the rotor brake. 5. Ft 1 v a. AppIy plenty of grease in the groove. 6. Ft 1 v 8. Grease the flange sleeve and coil , spring Iightly. ' 7. Ft 1 u a. G_yrease the shaft end 8nd cams light- ', 8. Ft 1 v 8. G'rease the adjusting washers lightly. _ _ _ 9. Ol 1 v 13 PlaCe the bugh in oiI for 3O minutes Fig. 67. Lu ricating sc eme or starter motor ' b i i _ i e ore itting. _ 1O. Ft 1 v 8. Grease the pins and their bearing A b_. th t _ t points ligftly. SSe_ in9 e S a ef _O OF, _ eafly pfod. correct position with the screws which run _ _ . F_,_ _he ,o_or bra_e __n _he rea, e,d sh;e_d, see through. Turn the rotor and check that it rO_ F_,g. 6g, a,d _he _ead be_wee, _he pos;_;,e tateS eaSíly. MeaSure the aKial ClearanCe and b,ushes. Compare this with the ''SpecifiCations''_ Lub- ricate the shaft end and bush. 2. Fit the starter pinion on the rotor shaft and _he, p_açe o, washers and ç_;rç___p as show, _OWTROL SOLEWOlD __, F__g. 4q. Lubr__ça_e _he ,o_o, shai_ ;, açço,. Before the Control Solenoid iS re_fitted, diStanCe da,çe w___h _he _;ns_ruç_,o,s _, F__g. 6p. ''a'' betWeen the Centfe line throUgh the p'iVot stud ín the soIeniod switch prong and the attacf- 3 AssembIe the rotor and pinion housing and i_ h _d b h _ d h _h . ' ing ange s ou e c ec e w en e iron core place the engaging arm in its posítion round i __ hd F 6g Ai _h d. t is u y wit rawn, see ig. . ter e is ance the starter pinion Then fit the soleniod switch d d h _ k . h d _h ' has been adjuste an t e oc nut tig tene , e on the pinion housing and place in the pi,ot d . h k d . Th d i k istance ''a'' iS C eC e again. e nUt an or SCreW_ t _ _h _ k _ _th __ d s uo are en oC eu wi sea ing compoUn . 4. Lubricate the starter pinion and engaging arm _onçerning the distance '''a'', see ''Specifica- arm with heat-resistant ball bearing grease. tio,s''. _ 5. Place the housing on the rotor and fit it into _ . the end shieId following the guide pin or ASSenIbling the Sta_ef _OtOf, 'i marking. Place the rear end shield onto the late pfod. rear shaft end of the rotor and secure it in the o b__ _ b _ t th t _ t n assem ing, u rica e e s a er mo or aC- _ cording to the directions on page 67. 1 . Fit the starter pinion, the stop ring and cir- clip on the rotor shaft. WLW F_ 6g _d_ __ d_ _ ior $o_eno_;d $w_i_c_ i_ii_ ig. . jus ing is ance _iId 68. Montering av rotorbroms prong 3_29
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America