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P 1 8OO
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Fig. 65. Tool for remo_ing bush _
_1OiLiWi i 1 2 _2 _ _ gho,_d co,,egpo,d jo jhe ;,j,,,a_ d;amejer o_
the bush after it has been pressed in. If ne-
Fl0. %. P_eSS d_i_ (Stal4er motor EG_) _
cessay, a smoothing drift can be pressed
D -_66.O4-66.O9 mm (2.59-2.6_') jh,ough jhe bugh -
L-= 85 mm (3.346'') '
Concern_ing recommendations for bush sizes
and drifts, see the table below.
For replacement purposes, bushes are supplied
,eady.mach_,,ed jo gu__jab_e d_,me,g_,o,g. whe, N OTE. Before a self_lubricati ng bush is fitted
be_ g __jj d jh b h h _d j b h_ d it ghoUld lie in thin oil for at leaSt 3O min UteS.
ln l e , e U S eS S O U , O e maC Ine
internal Iy or e_ternal Iy since the pores can be
partial Iy blocked up, resulting in reduced Iubricat-
ing capacity.
1 . Press, knock or pu Il out the worn bushes with
the help of a suitable tool. Special tools for
the brush holder end shield are shown in Figs.
65 and 66. _ _
2. Clean the hole for the bush and cut away any '
burr. J
3. Press in the new bushings with the help of a
suitabIe drift. The guide diameter of the drift _
_gggure_e__ g_d _o_erg__e tab_e _or bug_e_ _zU_'_'_)'_s
S_g_er _otor Bog__ EG D ___2 Aff 3_ Fig. 66. Bush tool fiHed in end shield
_ _ _ oDl (Bosch3
_ HoIe diameter _ Diameter and length _
_,, b,,_ ;o, b,,_ w_,, p,,,,,d _,, p,__,, _,, b,,_ Pressing in Smoothing
d rift drift
Drive bearing _
15.8 t O.O27 _
1 2-I O.O27 _
1 6 _
- _
' EFA L 2 _
_ommu_gto, bea,ing 1 6.q5+ O.O1 g 1 2.46 + O.O43 1 5.g E FAL 1 E F 2649 EF 2649(1
_ Starter pinion 14 _ O.O18 1 2 ' O.O1 8 12 - EFAL 2 EFAL 3