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P 18OO
Repla_i_g tfe brushes
STAff7ER MOTOR, EAff_y pffoD.
If the brushes are damaged or worn down more
than halfway. they must bg rgplaced.
When replacing the brushes, the sta_er moeor
Should be removed From the vehiclg and c_eangd
Brushes are replaced with the starter moeor as-
Sembled_ Thg lead from the brush _ig disconnected
and the brush spring lifted with a hook, after which
_ the brush is removed From i_g folder. The new
brush is slid down into the holder and gecured
with the screw.
_ The brushes are unsoldered from their attach-
_ mentS in the brUSh holder and field windjng rgg_
Ya_'_ pectively. The new brushgs shou_d bg so_dered
Fig_ 62_ St_tor _ith sold$red br_shes on quj_çk_y and w__th guff_ic__ent heat. _o_der mugt
not be aIIowed to run down into the brugh _eads
_ as this will prevent the movement of the brusheg
in the brusf holders and may reduce the brush
Spl_ng pressure. Brushes which have worn down
. shorter than 14 mm (9(16'') should be repIaced
with new ones.
Repla_ing the _íeId wi_ding
1_ If tfe starter motor h8s not been d'ismantled,
this must be done. Follow the ingtructiong un-
der the heading ''Dismantling''.
2_ Mark the poIe shoes and pole housing in a
suitable manner so that they comg in the gamg
position when assembl_ing.
3_ Place the stator in the holding deviçe ag ghown
in Fig_ 63. (Bosch EF AW 9) and unscrew the
. _ pole screws.
_ 4_ Before fitting new field cdils, thege shou_d be
warmed slightIy, Then place the pole sfoes in
_ pOSition 'in the field coilg and slide them ineo
the stator_ Tighten th8 pole screws slightly.
_ Press in a suitable drift (for mgasur$meneg, ggg
Fig_ 64)_ Set up the stator in the hoIding devjçe
and tighten the pole shoes.
5_ Press out the drift with a pregs. _heck the field
fitted winding for breakage and shorting.
Fitting the self-lubri_ating bushes
The self-lubricating bushes 8re onIy worn in-
signifìcantly during operation if the busheg are
Iubricated in the correct manner. lf lubricatjon is
Fig. 63. HoIdíng dgvj_g for rg_oving _he fie_d negleCted. the bushes dry out, with the result
_inding that they are worn quickly.
_ 3-27