Begin OCR Text:
vo_o__gvo vo__ $
P 18OO
Fig. 4a. R$movingthg gdjuStingwgghgr Fig. 5O. Startgr motor with brush bridgg remo'O'v'gWd _
4. Li_t OF_ thg CO__UtatOf beaflng gh_e_d. _OTE.
The bfUSheS and fetaInefS fe_aIn In pOSltlOn
On the fOtOf_ See Flg. 49. $
5. PU__ the bfUShgg OUt Of th0 bfUSh fgtainefg. -
6. Re_OVe the bfUSh fetaInef p_ate _fo_ thg fotof
Sha_. NOt0 the WaSh0fS_ S0e FIg. 5O.
7. unSCfeW the nUt WhICh hO_dS the _Ie_d tgfntIna_
COnne CtIOn tO the COntfO_ SO_enoId.
8. unSCf0W th0 a_aChln0 SCfeWS fof the _ontfo_
SO_enOld and f0_OVe thIS ffo_ thg df_ve
beafing ghie_d. _ontfo_ go_enoid_ geg Fio. P__.
9. Re_OVe the dfIVe beafIng ghIgld Ffo_ the_po_e
hOUSlng. v_uD__oveo_
1O R8ntoVe the pjvot p_n fof the engagíng af_. Fig. 51. _ontrol Solgnoid
__. Re_OVe the fUbbef waghgf and _etg_ waghef
FfO_ th0 dfIVe beafIng ghIg_d ag ghown in Fig. $ _
Fig, 49, Start$r motor with gnd shi$_d rgmovUgd' Fíg. 52. Rgmovìng the rubbgr wg$her
3_24 _