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P 18OO _ Fig. 41. St8rter motor. gener8l arrang$m$nt _ 2. Disconnecf the leads from the starter motor. between the control solenoid and housing has 3. unsç,ew the boits wf_içh fo_d tfe sta_e, mo- been femoved. tor to the flywheel housíng and lift jt off. 5_ Lìft out the rotor with pinion from the pinion 4 w.,pe off tfe sta,(e, moto, eKte,nai_y w.,tf a housing, see Fig. 43. This can be done after ' p.ieçe oe çiotf ,oa_ed .in pet,oi the pivot screw for the soleniod engaging ' tork has been removed. 6. Remove the stop washers on the rotor shaft. The thin washers (aKial adjusting washers) Fitti_g and ring (3, Fig. 44), are removed by puIIing Fitting is carried out in tfe reverse o,de, to re- Straight offthe Shaft. The thick ring (1, Fig. 44), moving. Tjgften the bolts evenly, but not too is first knocked in 5-8 mm (about 1/4'') on the tightly. _onneçt tfe leads ça,efu_iy. Shaft so that the circlip (2, Fig. 44), can be re- moved, after which the washer is puIIed off the shaft. _ Disma_tli_g the starter motor BosGh EGD 1/12 AR 37 DiSmantling the starter motor for overhaul (clean- _ ing and lubricating) or repair, is done as follows. 1. Remove the protection band. 2. Lift up the spring brushes and remove these, see Fig. 42. 3. Mark the poS_ition of the front and rear end heads in relation to the housing. 4. Remove the screws which hold together the above-mention8d main parts of the starter motor. Lift off the rear end head with rotor ___,C,_,,_ brake together with the housing after the lead F_g. 4_. ffgmov__ng __g brug_g_ 3-22
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