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_____ P 18OO F.ig. __. __.i_d.i_g-.i_ __e b_ug_$g W_4WOgf_ $_ Wz4_gz_ Fi_. _g. _eggu__i_g _he _o_o_ A fOtOf COlI Wlth ShOlt_ng bgtWge_ ehe windingg _ ShOWS a lOW feadlng and a ço_l witf b_eakage _o _ d h _d h _ b_ d feadlng ae all. _ an O a aç gaw a e ç_oge to efe _otol, gee F_ig. _g. _F ehe __a_e v_i__aeeg __n any pog_it__on w_en ShO_lng tO the _otof body ig tegted wief tfe fe_p ehe _o+ol _ig eu Ul'ne__ loUun_, one o_ t_e _o__ow __ing Of teSe plOdS and teSting _a_p. fau_eg ç'an be the lUgagon.U_ho_inoltollloeol l fla_e, TgSt that the flgld Wlnding ig noe ealehed by çon- gfolting in ço__utatol ol wjndin __g. neCtln0 the COntaçt pointg to tfe field tel_ina_ _fo_jng _eeween +_e w_in__ingg çan _ _e _e_el__ine_ and hOUSIn~, Sge Flg. 3O. _f thg _a_p _jgftg, ehig by ho_d_jn~ ehe leg '_i _g+ançe Uplong aga U__ng Ue t '_e ço_ U- IndjCateS ShO_Ing betWgen the field winding and _ueaeol ag g_own _in ' ___g. _o. _uln t_e lo _tol _e_e hOUSIng. Make SUle that thele jg no çontaçt be- plong _ug_ _ _e _e__ g '__ii_\ g _o _+_'a+ +_e _neK+ pa__ _l llo_ tWegn the fleld Wlnding and the houging. Un- _a___nat_jong ' Uço_ _eg 'Uop 'p 'o 'lg__+e '+__e ' 'p _long a 'n_ _o__l SCfeW the flgld Igad-thloUgh and tegt _gajn. ehig againgt tfege. lf tfele 'jg 'n_o fault, ehe lUea_djn'Ug BfUSheS WhlCh alg danlaggd of woln down _ole ghould be ehe ga_e fol all tfe oehel la_'inaeiong. than halfWay _USt bg lgp_açgd. BlUgfeg whiçh afe SCOled Of haVe pOOf çontaçt witf thg ço_- _UtaeOf Can bg glOUnd-jn with gand papel gauQe OO Of OOO aS ShOWn In FIg. 3_. _ege ehe gtlengtf of _ the bfUSh SplIngS by F_ttlng the end fgad on tfg fOtOl and COnneCtlng a Spfing balançe to efe _o- _,. (__=-- - _- - _ _ Wz_LaWj_ -I-- vo_vo Fig_ 3O_ T$gting th$ gt8to_ Fig. __. _ggguli_o _h$ blugh _leggulg l4g_'_ 3_18 _ _
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America