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P 1 8OO Fig. 19. Che_king the _an belt tension L -- 15O mm (G'') Pul Iing power 8 O-1 1 O kg (1 7-24 Ib ) _ D____a_tl_l_9 _ C7_g_antjlnß the dynanlo fol OVerhaUj (C_eanlnß _ and l Ublj CatIng) I S done ag fOj _ OWS . F. _ g e h _ d b d d . 1 Re_ OVe the plOte CtIng band If thIS haS been Ia, . 8_t e8 _ O y 8n en0lne ' le_fl EURted after teStlng. _ _lSConneCt the bfUSh çonne Ctlnß lead S Llft flO_ the Centre Of the hUb. TUln the fan In the en= up the p_eggu_e a__g o_ gplIng S fOf the bfUg= glne _g d IleCtlOn Of lOtatlOn and flt a Spl_ng ba- heg w_th a hook and pu__ up the bfugheg ag _anC0 aS ShOWn In FIg 1 9. TO ad_ U St, S_aCken the ghown _n Fig. 22 bOjtS On the UndefS!de Of the dyna_ O, OthelWl Se ten6lOnS Wl_l afISe In the attaCh_ent and adVelSe- Iy affect it. _ 2 3 Re_OV'l_9 1 . Re_OVe the Cab_e tel_lnaj flO_ the battey _ negatlV0 telmlnaj StUd. _. _ I SCOnneCt the _eadS ffOm the dynam O. 3. _l SCOnneCt the V=belt tenSlOn Inß Stay and jlft off the V-belt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 4. _emOVe _ne _WO oO I_S WnICn n O_ô _ne ôynamO tO the en0lne and lj_ It Off. 5. Wipe Off the dynam O eKternal_y With a ple Ce Of Cl Oth SOaked In petlOj. F_tft_l__ F_tt_ng _g Callled o Ut in rgVgfgg ofdef tO fem OVinß, vo_vo __hg attaChlng SCfeWS ghO Uld be _ OCked Se CUlejy ll_6_ with tab waghefg, çagt_e nutg and ço_ef ping of Fig. 2O. Dyn8nlo tonnett_OnS IOCknUtS. 1 Dynamo field, DF 2. Oynamo, D 3 Earth lead 3_ 1 5
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