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Fig. 16. Removing b8ttery Gable terminal
If the battery has to be removed for the above-
mentloned reason. it should be lifted out and
washed and rinsed e_ternally with clean wafer. If
the cable ferminals bind on the studs, they shouId
be pulled off with the speciaf puller as shown in _
Fig 16. Fig_ 1l_ Cle8ning battey _able terminal
When fitting the battery. make sure that it is se-
cured firmly in position. that the cable terminals
are cleaned and well tightened and that they are
çoated w__th vase___ne. _he (e,m_,na_s a,e best 2 Tighte__ the cable terminals onto the terminal _
ç_eaned w__th the p___e,s __n_ended _or t____s pu,- studS. The negatiVe terminal Stud of the balte_
pose, see F_,g. _p. ry shoL_ld be Connected to earth.
h k h h 3. Coat the cable terminals and termi__al studs
C eCk to ma G SUr0 that t e eart lead betW0en
b d Wlth VaSellne.
the ody and the engine _s not amaged, see Fig.
Fitting Adjusting the fan beIt
1 . Place the battery in position Ensure that it is The fan belt should be tensioned so that the pul-
turned the right way round. Fasten the batlcry ley begins to slip at a puIIing power of 8.O-1 1 .O
with the securing bar and nuts. kg (17-24 Ib.) applied to the fan 15O mm (6'') _
3-1 4