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P 1 8OO R E PA l R l N S T R U C T l O N S _A__Effy cified _evel above the pIates. Make sure that the ffe_ov_ing acid Ievel comes 5 mm (3(16'') above the upper edge of the spacers between the plates. Measur- 1. Remove the Cable terminals from the baftery _ _ d _ih _ i b _F ih _ _ _ i Inß IS One Wl a ß aSS U e. e eVe IS OO terminal studs. Use a puIler if the cable ter_ _ow, iop ,p w_,ih d_,,i,___,d waier a, nece,,a,y. u,e minalS are StUCk to the tefminal studS F____ F_ k h _ F_ _4 ' a l Ing aS aS S oWn In Ig. . 2. UnSCrew the nutS for the SeCUring bar and lift _oTE o i i b ii _d b d ' . n nO aCCOUn mUS a ely aCl e USe up _ihe battery. Fo, ih_,, iopp_,ng-up. 3. Clean off the battery with a brush and rinse if _F ihe baiie,y _,, Found io be _,n a d_,,Cha,ged co,. with Clean lukewarm Water. d_i_ ih _F_ _i F ih _d h F __ ' l lon or e SpeCl IC gFaVl y O e aCl aS a en _ O. CIean the baitery sheIf and cable ierminals. io 1.2O, the battery must be lifted out and charged Use a special steel brush or pliers for the cab- at a charging station. Th8 specific gravity of the Ie terminals. acid is measured with a hydrometer as shown in Fig. 15. _ Maintenance and G_arging direGtions In order for the battery to function satisfactoriIy, it must be in good condition. The first condition for this is fhat the acid is maintained at the spe_ _ _ _ 2654l Fig. 14. Topping_up with distilled water Fig. 15. Cfecking speci_ic gravity of 8cid 3-13
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