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P 1aDO
LlGHTlNG automatic return. The head__ghe eigna_,g a_,,
The lighting consieeg of ewo head_ampg wh_,ch ha,, OPerated by the diroction indicator gw_ech _ever.
Full- and dipped-beam po,ieio,,, F_aehe,g a,d The headlíghts are flashed by moving ehe gwieçh
parking lamp,, ,ear _ampg and number p_aee _,_ghe. Iever towards the steering whee_.
The headlampg are fieeed _n ehe mudgua,dg. Th,y The switch for the heater element is p_açed neKe
are switched on a,d off by ehe _ighe_ng ew_,eçh to the ignition switch.
f_tted on the instrument panel. Switching between The switch for the windscreen wiper, _g p,ovided
full- and dipped-beam positions i, done by meang with positions for fu__ a,d ha_F gpeedg a,d F,,
of the foot dipper switch on the floor. windscreen washing. The wind,creenw,pe,g fu,c-
Parking lampg are p_aced be_ow ehe he,d_,mp, tion when the switch is pulled oue eo ehe Firee and
and contain bulbg for ehe pa,king _ighe, and di- SeCond notches, The windscre8n washer operaeeg
rection jndiçaeo,g. when the switch is pulled oue Fu__y.
The rear lamps have two bulbs for rear lightg, di-
rection indicators and stoplights. HORMS
_ Early prod. cars are equipped wjeh eh,ee horng,
Sw___HeS fitted in two groups. One group hag ewo horn,,
Th _. h . h a loW tone and a high tone. Thi, group ie ope,aeed
e Ig tlng SWjtC ConSiStS of a comb,ned pul_-
and- tUrn Switch. _ _ 3 4
_ The pulling function is used for switching the ve-
hicle lighting on and off and the turning func-
tion for controlling the strength of the instrument
The direction indicator switch lever is fieted on
the steering column. __he switch ig provided with
_ Fig_ 1D. Hor_, early prod.
1_ Co_$r g. _ron ço,e
Fig_ 9_ H$adlamp 2_ SCrew 8. _eaf _pring
3_ Housing 1O. W_nding
1_ Attaching screw 6. Bu_b q. Capa,jeor __. A,_ae,,e p_aee
__ BoWI 7. Reflector _. Conea,_ brea_e, __. D_,,ph,,g_
3_ Adjusting screw 8 Spring 6. Ad_uge_ng g,,ew Fo, _3. v_,b,ae_,on d__g,
4_ Outer casing 9. Glass ,onea,e brea_e, _4. Adj_,,e_,,g ,,,,w
5_ COntact 1O. Outer ring p. Aeeaç_mene __. _,,_ ,,i 3-1 1