Begin OCR Text:
P _8OO
_ype ............................................ Bosch LJIGG 24O/12/24OO AR 7
System voltage ...................................... 12V
Rated gff8ct ........................................ 24OW
_ax. çurlent, continuoug .............................. 3OA
Earthed . ............................................ Negative terminal
Djreçt_ion of lotation .................................. CloCkWiSe
Ratio, engine-dynamo ................................ 1_8_1
Brushes. designation ................................ WSK 43 L 1
nUmbgr .................................... 2
contact pressure ............................ 45O-6OO g (1_O-1_3 Ib_)
TeS_ VajUeS
Fie_d winding regigtance .............................. 4.8-_O.5 ohms _
Charging, cold dynamo, 24O W ........................ 23OO r_p.m. _
Wafmdynamo, 24OW ........................ 25OO r.p.m.
Speed at rated voltage. unIDaded ...................... 17OO r.p_m. _ _
_ype ............................................ 8oscf RS/VA 24O(12/2
EquaJizing legigtançg a_ .............................. 15.5-16.5 ohms
Contro_ r$gjgtançe w_ ................................ 8-9 ohm
TeS_ VajUeS
Adjustedforcutting-in at .. ......................... 12,_13_1 V
levgrge çulrgnt at ...................... 2.O-7.5A
Voltage control.
loadgd ............................ 13.O-14.OV _ .
Loadingcurrent. _
' Cold dynamo and charging control .................. 45 A
Warm dynamo and charging control .................. 3O_ _
_TAffTEff MOTOff_ EAffLy _ffOD_
_ypg ............................................ Boscf EDG 1/12 AR 37
System voltage ...................................... 12V
Ea_fed ............................................ Negat'iVetelmin8l
Dilectjon of rotation .................................. ClOCkWISe
Output .. ............................................ Approx, O,9 h,p, 8t -1O' C (14'F)
Approx. 1.2 h.p. at +2O C (68'F)
Numb$r of teeth on pinion ............................ 9
Blugfeg, degiQnation ................................ Bosch DSK 35/5
numbel .................................... 4