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P __fbu_ettof_ B18B B18D Type ................................................ Horizontal, twin Make and designation ................................ SU-HS6 Number of carburettors .............................. 2 Size (air intake) ...................................... 44.5 mm (1',/4'') Fuel needle, designation .............................. lH Idlíng speed ........................................ 6OO-8OOr.p.m. 5OO-7OOr.p.m. Oilfordamping cylinders .............................. SAE2Oengine oil (notmultigrBde) lGNIT_ON Sy_TE_ Voltage ............................................ 12 V Order of firing ...................................... 1-3-4-2 Ignition timing settingwith stroboscope at 15OO r.p.m., 97- 1OO octane (Research Method) (vacuum regulator on B 18 D disconnected) .............................. 22-24 beforeT.D.C. _, Ignition timing setting with stroboscope at 15OO r.p.m., 1DO _ _ octane (Research Method) .......................... 17-19_' beforeT.D.C. Sparking pIugs ...................................... BoschW225T1 BoschW175T1 Sparking plug gap .................................... O.7-O.8mm (O.O28-O.O32'') tighten'ing torque ...................... 3.8-O.5 mm (28-32 Ib.ft.) _ _'IStf'l_utOf . Make .............................................. BoGch Contactbre8kergap .................................. O.4-O.5 mm (O.O16-O.O2O'') pressure.............................. O.4-O.6 kg (O.8-1.3 Ib.) Dwgl_ ang_e .......................................... 62+-3O D'irection of rotat'ion ........................ ......... Anti-clockwise _ _OOLING SY_TE_ Type ................................................ Pressure Rad_ia_or cap valve openg a_ .......................... o.23-o.3okg/çm2 (3_4_b./sq.jn.) Capac'ity ............................................ approK. 8.5 litres (2 Imp. galls= 2'/4 US galls.) Fan belt, de8ignation ................................ HC 38X35'' tension.thepulleyshouldstartslippingwhenthe force applied is ............................ 8.O-11 kg (17.6-24.3 lb.) at a lever of 15O mm (6'') A_t'l-_fee_g Amount ofglycol reQu'ired forfrost protection down to -1O'C (15'F) ...................................... 2 litreS (3'/'_ lmp.pints=4 US pints) - -2O'C (-5'F) .................................... 3 litres (5'./4 Imp.pints=6 US pints) -3O'C (-22'F) .................................... 4 litres (7 Imp.pints--9 US pints) -4O_C (-4O'F) .................................... 4.5 litres (1 Imp.gall=1'/'4 US g8lls) ThemaKimumdepressionoffreezingpoint(-56_C=-69'F) isobtainedbythe addition of5.1 litres(9 Imp.pints=11 US pints) of ethylene glycol. Thef_oStOt Type ................................................ FultonSylphon1-17OO-D3 Marking ............................................ 17O 2_24
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America