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P KnoGking noisa trom v8lve m$Ghanism Valve c l earances too l arge. _ Adj ust valve c l earances. Worn o r d amaged parts i n valve m echan ism. _ Recond iti on or replace parts wh e re n ecessary . Heavy regular knoGking sound, more obvious when engine is under lo8ding Worn mai n o r big-end be ari ngs, worn piston and Locate sou nd by short-c i rc u iting th e spark ing pl ugs gudgeon pi n s. o ne afte r an oth e r. The n d ism antl e as far as req u i red to e Kam i ne beari ngs and pistons. Low oil pressure Low p ressu re at id l ing speed. Wh en the eng i ne h as bee n run hard and then _ al l owed to ru n at the l owest idl i n g s Peed , th e o i l p ressu re is no rmal Iy qu ite l ow. ' O i l fi lte r b l ocked .
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