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' P 1 2 3 Fig. 28. Replacing air cleaner. '''O' l''O' _ against the floorboard without subjecting the tf,,tt_, ,o,t,,_ ,y,t,m to ,,,,,,,,,,y _,,d_,,g. _ VOlUO A__ __EA_E__ i 2_77_ Fig_ 2l- Replacing 8ir cleaner element Tfe o,_y ,e,v_i,__,g mea,u,e ,equ__,ed fe,e _i, to _ (P 12D right_h8nd drive) _ b th th _ _ _tf ft rep aCe O , alr C ,a,e,S Wl ,eW O,,S a g, 1 . Cover euey jo ooo km (_ j _oo m;_e,). Tfe o_d ,_ea,e,, 2. Element ,hou_d be d__,,a,ded 3. Retainer wf ' - e, mOSt Of the dr_Ving is done over dUsty roads or in districts with particularly contaminated air, the air cleaners should be changed more frequent- 5_ Check by pulling out the control that both car- _ b t _o ooo k (6 ooo ._ ) b y, a OU ,V,,y m ml eS . urettors are influenced to eKactly the same _ _ . f _ h O C ,anl,g O any SOrt iS p,,mltted betWeen th, e_t,,t, T e eaSieSt way of doing thiS iS to pull h .f. d b t tf t _ b jo (_3 , ..) C angeS SpeCl te a oV0. OU e COn rO a OUt mm / _6 a,d tfe, Th f. _ f _d t b . f . _ e Ve IC e S OU ,O e ,U, wit out a_, , ea,e,, watching the jets go down f d ' Itt, , Si,Ce the CarbUr,_ofS afe dependent on the Adiust the setting if the jets do not go down resi,ta,,e to ai, F_ow tf,ougf the aj, ,_eane, e_e- ,4UalIY_ ments. Engine wear will also increase çonsiderab_y Afte, adju,tme,t, fave bee, ça,,_ed ,,t, tf, if the air is not cleaned, vehicle should be test-,un a,d a fu,the, ,he,k oF 1 _ Remove the air cleaners by unscrewing the at- _ the fueI mi_ture done _ut-of-doors. This is par- tachin9 bolts_ ticularly important duri,g winte, wjtf low out,ide 2_ Make sure the gaskets are turned the right way temperatures. The large tempe,atu,e va,igtiong ro?nd, see Fig. 28_ and fit the new air cleaners. between a heated wo,kshop a,d be_ow-ze,o If _h' e gaskets are turned the wrong way, the weather outside affect the ,ompogitio, of tfe fue_ Ven_ilation holes for the vacuum pistons will be t mi_tu,e. bIDcked and the carburettors will not be gble to function properly. _ Ad. . _ _ d _ On P 12O right-hand drive vehicles the air _i i _Stj_g t e O_C_ efOtOf _e o çlea,e,, ha,, ,,p_,,,,b_, ,_,m,,t,. Th, The length of the long vertical push rod from the changing intervals for the elements are the Control on the body should be adjusted so that same as those for air cIeaners with no,-,e- there is a clearance of 1 mm (O.O4'') between the placeabIe elements. heel of the throttle flap spindle lever and the full Remove fhe wing nut, lift off the casing and throttle stop on the carburettors when the $cce- replace the element with a new one. Make sure _ lerator pedal is fully depressed. This means that the contact sLirfaces for the element are clc_an. when the pedal is fully depressed, the thrust Take care that no dirt gets ínto the aìr intake e_erted by the driver's foot will then be take.n up or on the inside of the element. 2 -15
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