Begin OCR Text:
_ without altering the idle adjusting screw. When
adjusting, screw the adjusting nut first slowly
downwards (richer miKture) untiI the engine
starts to run roughlyn.slightl
(Ieaner miKture) shhe en
smoothly. Adjust the tors one at a time. __
_ 6. Adjust the idling speed with the idle adjusting
screws. Rem_mber to adjust equally on both
2 T. Check that the fuel air miKture is correct on
both carburettors. First lift the piston in one
of the carburettors by using the pin beside the
3 ai, ineake and ehen _ife ehe pigeon in ehe oe__e,
carburettor the same amount. The engine
should run about equally unevenly in both __
8 7 6 5 4 voL_o cases. The engine speed should also fall off
___ b b e _oo __o _ b eh _F th
y a oU - r.p.m. In o CaSeS. e
Fig. _6. Co_trols. . __ h f eh b
en0lne Sta S W fn One O e Çar WrettOr
1. Attachment for chDke 5. Locking screw for p_,geon, _,g __,Feed. eh_,g ,sua__y _,nd_,çaees ehae ehe
control outer casing choke control m._x*u,e ._n ehe oehe, ca,bu,eeeo, .,g 4oo _gan _
2. Idle adjuiting screw 6. Lockn_ h d i __ _ i- _
3. Fa_* _idie gd)_u,*__ng p. Ad)_u,*i,g nu* If t e engine Spee _nCreaSe, t_e __Kt_. e
sc,ew g. Jei _ the other CarbUrettor iS too riCh.
4_ LeVer Ad_ e e e b _ d e e_ _ _
)US men mUS e Carrle OU paf ICU ar y _
accurately in the two last-mentioned cases. _
Adiusting' _uel/oir mi_ture ond idling Adiusting the choke control ond _ost
_. _ough_y ad)_uge ehe he_ghe oF *he j_ee by f__,g_ 'Idl'Ing .
screwing up the adjusting nut (7, Fig. 26) to The fast idling adjustment described below is a
its upper poSition and then screwing it back no.rmal set(ing. The settingh also be varied _
1 '/i turns. Adjust both carbufettors eqw. aI,ly. to suit different requiremend t8mper_res.
' In very cold weather it may be advisaB___ to _d'just
2. TUrn the _d_e adjUSting SCfeWS (2) S0 that they the faSt Id_e SCfeW So that It ContaCtS tfe Idjing
3USt tOUCh the thrOtt_e f_ap Splndle _EVerS Wh0n ,'
eh eh ee_ f_ _ d Th _h Cam eafller than In the_ SettIng deSCfibed bel3.
e rO e apS are C OSe _ en SCreW em i _ _, _ _
down ha_f a eu,,. Adjustment must aIways be carried out in such a
' _ way that bofh carburettors are affected to eKactly
3 FiII the carburettor damping cylinders with oil
' .' ' the Same eKtent by the Contro_.
Use engine oil SAE 2O, not multigrade. Only
F,___ ehe çe,*,e sp_,,d_e oF ehe vaçuum p_,s*o_, 1 . Pull out the choke control on the instrument
,,e eh, p,,e' ,b,,, _,e. panel about 15 mm ('_,'8''). _
4. Sea_ *he eng__,e. Ad)_use _,d___,g speed eo 2_ Loosen tfe screw (5, Fig. 26) for the control
6oo-goo ,.p.m. (_ _g _) a,d 5oo-7oo ,.p.m. Cable_ Lift the lever so much lhaf the jet just
(_ _$ D) w__eh *he __d_e adj_use,_ng gc,ewg (2). staftS to go down. '
Turn the screws so that the induction soun'd 3. Adjust the fast idIe screw (3) so that it just
, is equally strong on both carburettors. Run _he touches the fast idle cam on the lever (O) when
I_,, engine warm. ' tfe jef sfarts eo be infIuenced as described in
_ 5 Adj,uge ehe he,,ghe oF *he )_ee (a,d ehe,eby eh, the previous point. Tighten the locking screw
i ... ' f,e_ ,a.,, m.,K*u,e) aççu,aie_y by eu,,._,g ehe for the control cable in this position.
_p ' adju'sting nut (7). The best poaition is reached 4_ CarefulIY adiust the ofher carburettor in the
when the highest engine speed is obtained sam. e way_
__., _-_4