Begin OCR Text:
the damping cylinders with engine oil SAE 2o
(not multigrade) if necessay.
Corburettor settings ohee iitting
l n order to enabte the carburettor settingg to be
carried out correctly, the fol lowing pointg must
first be checked and adj usfed if necessary .
Valve cIearance, sparking plugs, compreggjon,
dwell angle of contact breakers, ignition timing.
If these adjustments are carried out careful Iy, sub- uo_uo
t d_ t t _ jd __6_9
Seq Uen rea J U S men IS Vey Se Om neCeSSary.
At çe_a__n jntervajs, io, gKamp_e, when ,epjaç_ing Fig_ 25_ Intermediate Sha_ 8nd lev$,_.
_ the air cleaners, it jg, however, advigabje to re- A = Clearante between stop and lever
move and c_ean the suct_on chamber and piston _ . Le,,, o, t_,,t,_, __,, _. _,a,_,,
_ thoroUghly_ spindle 7. l ntermediate ,l_a_t
The ijoat çhambers ghoujd ajso be çjeangd at the 2_ Lever on intermediate _. Leuer on inter_ediate
t. -_h. .j b d f h ij shaft shaft
Same ime_ i S Can eaSi y B One a ter t e oat 3. Lo,knut g Lo,k,ut
' _ Chamber covers have been removed. q. Contro_ g_a_t _o'. L,,,, ,, ,h,o,t_e f_gp _
Synchronizing of the çarbu,ettors inçjudes adjust- 5_ Link _ sp_ndle '
ment of the c Iearance on the intermedjate shaft,
adj ustment of the fuel,_air miKture and idj ing as
wel l as adjustment of the choke control and fast Ad__us__ing E_eoronEe oi iIn_er_ed.io_e
' idl ing. h i
S O t
1 _ PIace a O_5 mm (O.O2O'') thick feeler gauge at
''A'', Fig_ 25_ between the lever and stop. Screw
out the idle screws (2, Fìg. 26) so that the
throttle flap is completely closed.
2_ S lacken the locknuts (3 and 9, Fig. 25) and ,
Press the outer end of the levers (2 and 8) on
_ the intermediate shaft carefully downwards so
that the pins just contact the lower tooth on
_ the throttle flap spindle levers (1 and 1o).
2 N_ B, Do not press so hard that the thro_1e fjap
is affected, Tighten the nuts (3 and 9) in this
3 Position.. When tightening, note that the end _
_ float of the shaft should be digtributed equajjy
_ _in both d_ireçt_ong and that there _ig a smajj ,
aKial c Iearance between the l_vers on the jn- ,
i fermediate shaft and the throttle flap spindle
3_ Remove the feeler gauge. Then check by lifting
the lever at ''A'' that both throttle fjapg are
actuated simultaneously. Also make surg that
ij_iij_ the 'intermediate shaft is free and çan be
_ 26_ d b k d d i d j
F_g_ 24. C$ntring th$ jet. mOV0 aC War S an OrWaf S S ightly. It
_ L,w,, pa_ ,_ v,,,,_ 3. _,t ,_,e,e m USt not be pinChed, For e Kample, by the Igverg
piston 4. _gt (2 and 8) being fitted too close to the carbu- '
2. LoCknut ,etto,s. _
2 - 1 3 _