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P _ 2 ' VQ.L_.O. Early production Late production Fig. 22. Checking the _loat level. checked ìn accordance with the measurements shown in Fig. 22. lf the measu,ementG are incorrect, the lever on the fIoae shou Id no* be adjuseed but ehe fau Ity part _ should be replaced. - CENTRING THE JET vo_vo _* _,g ugua__y on_y neçegga,y *o çen*,e *he je* when 2677l _ *he ça,bu,g**o,g ha,g bge, d;gmane_ed, o, when Fig_ 23_ The jet dism8ntled_ - . guçh pa_g *hg* infjuençe the cen*ring of the jet ( . Jet with _uel line, 4. Locknut havg beg_ ,gpjaçed complete 5. Sprir,g _ ' 2. Jet sleeve 6. Adjusting nul When centring is carried out, the CarburettOrS 3. w,,_,, should be removed. The carburettor concerned is Ia_id on a bench as shown in Fig. 24, and the vacuum piston moved backwards and forwards w_,eh a f_inge, wh_,_e e_e,*_i,g ___ghe p,gggu,e aga__nge ea,i_y right down to its lowest positiOn When the eh, *h,o*eje f_,p. Th_,g ,e,i,,, *h, j_e* ,,,,,çe_y _,n jet is held ìn thg upper position as described in ,,_ae_,on eo eh, pog_,*_,on *aken up by *he vaçuum point 3_ piston when the engine is running. The piston is, _. Fi EUR *he p8rts which have been removed Make in fact, pressed over towards the tl_rottle flap due sure eh8t the fuel line is not twisted when con- to the vacuum prevailing between the piston and neçting i( to the float chamber. throttle flap. _ 1 . Remove the jet by sCrewing out the SCrew at F_______g __e _o_bu_e__o__ _ the lower end of the link and the fuel l_ine d _ 1 Remove the masking tape from th0 In UCtion nipp e. ' ports. P_aCe Dn neW gaSketS. i 2. Remove the adjusting nut (6) and spring (5, d. h _ . .e. b * F. 23) __ k *h _ k * *h EUR _h _ 2. Fit the intefme _ate S a In pOSl l On e Ween , lg. . aC en e OC n U SO a e S eeVe k h ' b d the Carbu,ettorS, See Flg. 25. Ma e SU,0 t at _ , Can e mOYe . d d. . d _ the p,oteCtIVe plate IS In g OO Con ItlOn an
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