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_ _ _ P ff E PA l ff l N _ T ff U _ T l O N _ The repair instructions below only concern the oil tions, please refer to the Service Manual for the cooIer and carburettors. For other repair instruc- B 18 A engine. _EPLAC_N_ THE OlL COOLER (_ _8 _) 7. Start the engine and check for leakage. 1_ Drain off the engine coolant_ g. _i _he nipp_e (3) has been repiaçed, _he new 2. Disçonneçt the çooiant çonneçtions on the oi_ one should be tightened to a torque of 45-5_5 cooIer. Remove the oil fìlter. kgm (33-4O Ib.ft.). 3. Unscrew the nut (2, Fig. 17) on the nipple for the oil cooler and pull off the cooler. PO_lTIVE CRANKCASE VENTILATlON 4. Flt the OIl COO_er In the feVerSe Order. __he _ O-ring against the cylinder block should be ove__o__i_g repIaced if necessary, in which case _it should At . t i i 2oooD k (_2 5oo _i ) _ l in erva g o m ml eS Or eSS_ be stuck into the groove on the oil cooler d. . h i (6 b depending on driving con itions, t e vave , efore fitting. Coat the groove with a thin h i dh h Fig 7) should be replaced. At the same time, t e _ ayer of a esive w ich is resistant to oil up ' _ t t t i _4o__ (2go F) (i i oil trap (8) the hoses (5 and 7) and the nipple O empera ureS O _ Of eKamp e ' PliDbond 2O). With the nut tightened to a torque of 1 kgm (7 Ib.ft.), check that the cooler is in good contact with the cylinder block all round. The nut is finally tightened to a torQue of 3-3.5 kgm (23-25 Ib.ft.). 5. Fìt the oiI filter and connect the coolant pipes. 6. Fill up with coolant and, if necessary, also engine oiI. __U____p Fig. 17. Oil _ool_r 267_ _ _ _ q _ k _ . oO er . aS e 2. Nut 5. Oil filter Fig. 16. Air _l_an_r. 3. Nipple 2-9
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