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_ '''''''i'O R_.
Fig. _. _osi_i_g c,$nkcase vg_tilation (B 18 B)_ -
i_ _ . __te,mediate piece 7. Rubber hose
2. _ipp_e 8. Oil trap
. 3 _ubbe, hoge A. Fresh 8ir
4. Oi_ fi__i,g ,ap _. E_haUSt gaSeS _
_. _ubbe, hoge C. CrankCaSe gaSeS -
. 6. Control valve
' ' po____vE __A_K_A_E vE____A__o_ eilling cap (4) to the rocker arm casing, which is in
i_ j 8 _j ,o,,e,tio, with the crankcase through the pUSh
,od holes. Thg oil fillinQ cap, which is sealed, has
__ The B 1 8 B engine is provided with positive crank- a buj_t-i, e_ame t,ap. Thjs e_ame trap, in the same
. case ventilatiOn_ way a, the ço,t,ol ,alve, which 8lso functionS aS a .
?, Th_,, ,,,a,g,m,,t p,e,,,t, th, ,,,,k,,,, ga,e, ,heçk va_ve, prevents the flame from any back-
__ e,om be_j,g ,e_eaged __,to the atmosphe,g _,stead ei,i,g j, the ca,burettors or intake manifold from
t h ' h h çh_ g the ,,a,k,ase
_ the gaseg a,e su,ked j,to the e,gj,e t ,oug t e fea ln _ _
i intake manifold and participate in the combuStiO, __,,e the e,egh ai, supp_y passes through the car-
?, pro,egs. The ,egidug is blown out through the bu,etto, a__, ,_ea,e,s, _mpu,itie, a,e p,eve,ted
, e_haust pipe logether with the other products e,om getti,g i,to the e,gi,e.
of ,ombugtion. F . _ _
; when the,e ig a medium or high degree o partia
_ Between the engine crankcase and intake mani- ,,,,,m _,, th, ,,a,k,ase (i,take ma,ieo_d), whj,h
' fold there is a connection wfich consists of an oil h,pp,,, d,,_,,g _,d__,,g ,,d whe, ope,atj,g u,de,
j' trap (8) attached to the ualve inSpeCtiOn COVC, __,ght _oad, the gystem eu,,t_o,s as deg,,ibgd
. o, tfe right-hand side of the engine (viewed from above. whe, the pa,t__a_ va,uum i, the ç,a,k- _
_ the front), and fwo rubber hoses (5 and 7) betwee, ,,,, _,, _,,, th,, that ;, the a,, ,_ea,e,, whi,f
._ whi,h there is a control valve (6). The rubber hose o,,,,, ,t eu__ _o,d ,,d/o, with _a,ge _ow qua,tjtjes,
a (5) is connected to a nipple (2) screwed centralIY ,, e,,,h ,_,, _,, ,,pp__,ed, but the e_ow i, the co,,ec-
_ in the equaliz_ing pipe of the intake manifold_ t_,,, b,tw,e, the ,o,ke, a,m ,ag_,g a,d ai, ,lea,-
'i The pa__ia_ ,a,uum wh_,,_' o,,u,g whe, the e,gj,g e,e ,eve,ses a,d the crankcase gases go both
_,, ,,,,_,,g ,,,,,, th, ,,a,k,age gages ,ombi,ed ways, partly through the control v8lve and PartIY
w_,th e,,,h ,_,, to e_ow e,,m the ,,a,k,ase to the th,ough the air cleaners and carburettors to the
_,,t,k, m,,_,e,_d. _h, amou,t oe e_ow ig ,egu_ated intake manifold. In this way the crankcase uentila- -
by th, ,o,t,,_ ,,_ve. F,esh a__, ig gupp__ed to the tion System can deal with relafively large quant_t_eS
,,,,k,a,, th,o,gh th, ,a,b,,,tt,, a_,, e___te, vja a, oe ,,a,kçase gases without any escaping into the
i,te,mediate piece (_ ), rubber hose (3) and oil atmoSPheC0_
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