Begin OCR Text: _
_OOLIN_ _Y__E_
Type ...................................................... Pressure
_adia_orcapva_ve opensa_ .................................... O.23-O.3O kg,_'cm2 (3-4 _b.,./sq.in.)
Capacity .................................................... _pproK. 8.5 litres (2 Imp. galls.
=2'../4 USg8lls.)
Fan b$.lt, designation .......................................... HC 38X35''
tension. the puIIey should start slipping when the force
applied is ............................................ 8.O-11.O kg (17.6-24.3 Ib.) at a
Iever of 15O mm (6'')
A_t'l-_fee_e -'___-
Amount of gIycol required forfrost protection down to
-1O''C(15_' F) .......................................... 2litres(3',/_lmp. pints=4US pints)
-2O'' C (-5'' F) ,......,................................ 3litres(5'/'4Imp. pints=6USpints)
_ -3O" C (-22_' F) ........................................ 4 litres (7 Imp. pints=9 US pints) .
-4O'' C (-4Ou F) ........................................ 4.5litres(1 Imp.gall=1'.,4USgalls)
_ The maKimum depression of freezing point, -56' C (-69'' F), is ob-
tained by adding 5.1 litre8 (9 lmp. pints=11 US pints) of ethylene
_ glycol.
Type ...................................................... Fulton Sylphon 1-17OO-D3
Marking ...................................................... 17O
Startsto open at .............................................. 75-78O C (167-172'' F)
Fully open at ................................................ 89'' C (192'__ F)
To be rebored when wear reaches (if engine shows abnormal oil
consumption) .............................................. O.25 mm (O.1O'')
Permissible out-of-round on main bearing journals, maK. .......... O.O5 mm (O.OO2'')
Permissible out-of-round on big-end bearing journals, maK. ........ O.O7 mm (O.OO3'')
MaK. cranksh8ft end float ...................................... O.15 mm (O.OO6'')
PermissibIe clearance between valve stems and valveguides ...... O.15 mm (O.OO6'')
VaIve st8ms, permissible wear, maK. ............................ O.O2 mm (O.OOO8'')
Permissibleout-of-round (withnewbearings), maK. ................ O.O7 mm (O.OO3'')
Bearings, permissible we8r .................................... O.O2 mm (O.OOO8'')
Permissible backIash, maK. .................................... O.12 mm (O.OO5'') 2-49