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P He8vy regular knoGkėng. Iouder when engine is subjeGted to loading Worn mai n bearings and b ig-end bearings, or _ Loc al ize sound by short-c i rcu iti ng sparki ng pl ug s, worn pistons and g udg eon p i ns. _ one at a ti me. Low oil pr$ssure B l ocked oil fi Ite r. ( The eng i ne runs for 8 longe r Repl ace o i l fi Ite r. t i me than usual after starting before pressu re is reg iste red.) Low oi l presu re at lowest idl i ng speed afte r h ard No acti on necessay. The p ressu re is normal Iy. d rivi ng. q uite low u nd er these cond iti ons. Fau Ity oi l p ressu re gauge contact, fau Ity pressu re M easu re p ressu re with a check gaug e . gauge o r gauge l ine. Repl 8ce fau Ity parts. _ Fau Ity spring i n rel ief valve o r pu mp worn. R_m ove oi l pump. Check spri ng 8nd pum p. 7 One or mo re beari ngs worn . E_am i ne and rep l ace beari ng she l Is. H igh deg re e of general wear. Replace or recond ition eng i ne. _ Larae oėl Gonsumptėon Hard d riving . N o action necessary. O il consumption can in- c rease sl ightly when the e ngi ne i s subj ected to ve y h8rd drivi ng. teakage at j o i nts. Tighten bo Its and sc rews, repl ace fau Ity or poor Qual ity gaskets al l rou nd . Oi l leve l too h igh. _ Do not top up with oi I unti l Ievel is down to l owe r _ m ark on d ipsti ck. Wo rn valve gu i des. Reconditi on valve syste m . Wo rn piston ri ngs. Cf ang e piston ri ngs. Large _uel _onsumption H ard d rivi ng on h i ghways o r i ntensive stop-and-go No measu res necessary. Normal i n both these town d rivi ng . cases. _ B loc ked ai r cl eaner. Fit a new pape r e l ement or new ai r c leane r as th e _ case may be. If an oi l-bath type ai r c l eaner i s fitted , clean it. Carbu rettor f Iood i ng. Check 8nd rep l ace float valve if ne c8ssay. Al so _ c heck pu m p pressu re. Fau Ity carbu rettor setti ngs, fuel/ai r m ė_tu re too Adj ust settings. r'i ch. Fau Ity sparki ng pl ug su ppressors, fau Ity contact Repl ace sparki ng p lug su ppressors. breake r points. Adj ust d i stributor. l nco rrect dwel l ang l e and ign ition ti mi ng setti ng . Adjust dwel l an g le and ig n ition ti m ing setting. A sfroboscope m ust be used to adj ust the i gn itio n setti ng. Engine runs abnormally warm Not enoug h cool i ng wate r. _ Fi l l u p with cool ing wate r. Fan belt i nsufFiciently tensioned. _ Adj ust fan be It tensi on. 2 - 41
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