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P F A U L T T R A _ l _ _ _ F A U L T _ _ CA US E ' _ RE M E DY _ The e_gine stalts or idlea very u_$venly Fau Ity spark i ng pl ugs or sup pressors. Chec k and replace s parki ng p l ugs and sup- pressors if necessary. Ai r l e aks at carburettor conne ction . Chec k for tightness. Re place fau Ity g askets l d l i ng speed too l ow. l nc rease i dl i ng speed. _ D i rt in carbu refto r. Clean carbu rettor, partic u larly id l i ng system . E_gi_e ru_a jer_ily (or _ougfs) duri_g acc$leration D i rt on spark i ng pl ug insu lators. _ Cl ean i nsul ato rs. _ Fau Ity sparki ng pl ugs. _ Check o r re place sparki n g pl ugs . D i rty, fau Ity or wet d istri buto r cap. Rem ove and c l ean or rep Iace. Faulty or wet cab Ies. Check, c l ean o r repl ace cabl es . See al so Part 3. D i rt i n carbu retto r. Remove float chambe r and need le valve , c lean th ese parts. Fu el/ai r mixtu re too l ean. Check carburefto r settings. Fau Ity fuel pum p s u pplyi ng too l ittle fue l . Check fuel pum p pressu re and capacity. Lo_ engine output Ai r c l eaner blocked . Fit a new pape r e l e ment o r new ai r c l ean e r as the case may be. If an o i l-bath type ai r cleane r is fitted, cl ean it. _ Poor q uality fu e l , too l ow octan e ratí ng . Check fuel g rade, use correct fu e l . Fau Ity ig n ition tim ing setting. Adj ust i gnition tim i ng setting by us i ng strobo- scope. S ee '' l gn ition setting' ' . Fau Ity setti ngs on carbu rettor. Ch eck and adj ust carburettor setti ngs. Faulty valve c learances . Ch eck and adj ust valve cl earance . _ Low com pression on a cyl i nd e r. M e asu re compress i on pressu re . l n th e case of e Kcessively low val ues, rem ove cyl inde r head for c l oser i nvestig ati on. Piston bind i ng . Rem ove cyl i nder head for investigati on . Bi nd i ng wheel beari ngs or faultily adj usted S ee Part 5. b rakes. Knocking trom valve me_hinism ', Valve cl earan ce too l arge. _ Adj ust valve cl earances. '_,,,,_ Wo rn or damaged parts i n valve m ech anism . _ R econd ition or repl ace parts whe re n ecessary. I__' 2 - 4O
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