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_ _ _ .?_ ;O
Fig. 80. Fitting th$ s$8ling ring
(O.O1 6'') under the face of the pump housing.
_ The _ower end of the shaft should rest against Fig_ 9O_ Fitting the belt pUIl$Y
a counterhold, see Fig. 89. B -- 1 O5t D_2 mm (4_1 34t O_OO8'')
4. Turn *he pump round. Apply a counterhold
under th8 shaft end in the impeller hole and F___l_G _H E WA_ER PUMP
press on the hub with drift SVO 2266. i k *h * *f _. .
When itting, ma e sure a e sea ing rings on
As a counterhold use tor eKample puller SVO th p _de of *he pump are posjtioned correct1 , e u per si -
2462 with the centre bolt screwed in sO that _ A_so p ess *he pump upwards against they. r
_ çy in er ea projejt SUppO_S agalnSt the Shatt PreSS CarefulIY _' d h d ' ction under the attaCh_ng pOlnt
so that the measurement B as Shown in Fig *f t od s _ìng is obtained between the_ so a go ea
9O is 1 O5 t O,2 mm (4_1 34 t O_OO8'')_ pump and cylinder head.
5. Cheçk *ha* *he pump çan be rota*ed by hand Ensure that the sealin9 r'n9S On th' W'te' P'P''
w;tho,t ,,y ,,c,ss_ve resis*ançe and *ha* n_ are in good Condition and press in the pipeS Well
b_ìnd,ng oçc,,s. when aftaching them,
__ __ When assembl inQ the engine follow the instruc-
_S O _2___ _ u k
-- tions for the parts concerned. The order of wor is
the reverse to that used when dismantling. Check
the marking of the bearings as shown in Fig_ 92_
_ Tfe mBin bearings are marked 1 -5 and the
_ big_end be8rings 1 -4 counting from the front_
Check that al l parts are clean and lubric$te S_ liding
, ' surfaçes wjth oil before assembl ing. Always use
new gaskets, split pins and locking washers_
gSh _ Iac should not be used aS a S0allng age1lt
since it gradual Iy dries and flakes off, so that the
oilways can be blocked. No adhesive should be
used on the gaskets.
The seals on the ends of both the oi l pump del_-
F,_g. $g. F;__,,g _hg ;_pg__g_ vey pipe and the water pUm P Pi PeS are in the
_ A o * o 4 (o * o o_ 6__) fo,m of rubber ringS TheSe ringS_ WhiCf Seal
-- o . mm O . ' 2 - 37