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P l 2 3 1 2 4 f 3 6 _ 5 _ _ VOlVO _6foO 1O 9 8 j vNvo _ F.ig __ pog._e._o_ o_ve____.i _W Fla_ 7__ AIF Glea_$F, F$pl8GIIl0 $l$_$_t, typ$ l _ v _ . ' _ 1. Upper section 4 Gasket . en Url 6. Wag_e, _ _ _ _ _' _ _. _ _ _h k p_ i _d_ i _ _ aS e _. oWgr gec ion _ _ O e 8p . e ue screw 3 e_ 3 E . _ d d . $ment _ COnOmllervave 8. l ler a juster screw 4_ Stay 9. Rapid idling adjuster 5. Emulsion block scrgw nozzle 1O. Idling cam Screw out the rapid idling screw (9, Fig. 7Q) so that it comes flush with the undersidg of ieg b,gc- fUll throttle stop when the accglerator pedal is ket. Then screw down the screw eh,ee and a ha_f fully depressed. turng. _ugh jn ehe choke cone,o_. Adjustment is carried out by altering the length of the vertícaI push rod. A_R __EANE when ehe acceigraeo,p,dai _,,f,iiy d,p,g,,ed,_hg R force eKerted by the foot ofthe driverwill thus be A__r t_eO_e_ type _ w____ _ep_ __ t k . e eh f_ b d . h _ ll lOteO_le a gn Up agalnS e oor oar Wit oUt eKerting _ t i d_ eh th _i e _ e e e_e_ UnneCeSSaY Oa Ing On 0 rO e Con ro Sys em. The etement should be replaced with a new one At_elerOtio_ pump stroke everY 2OOOO km (125OO miles) if the vehicIe is _ The pump plunger can be set for a short or long driven in districts with moderate air contamina- stroke by means of the washer (6, Fíg. 7Q). To tion_ When driving in vey dusty areas it may be alter the setting, li_ the washer and give it haIf necessary to cary out replacement 8t shorter a turn. The normal setting is a short stroke, the intervals. highest cam lobe on the washer being turned to No cleaning of any sort may be carried out bet- _ face the sprìng on the lever. ween changes. On no account must the element _ _ be moistened or oiled. Fitti_g C_ h f h k A Sjan Of a _lOcked aiF cleaneF iS inGFegged fugJ _ $an t e ace on t e inta e manifo_d and on the b GOnSUIlI_tlOn. Car UrettOf. CheCk that fhege facgg are noe dig- torted or damaged. Fit a new gasket and fit the pa,tg _in ehe ,eve,ge order eo ehae used whgn REPLACING 7HE ELEMEN7 rgmoving. 1_ Loosen the upper hose clamp and remove the wing nut. ADJUS_ING RAPID IDLING 2. Life off the upper seceion 8nd remove the oid Pull out the choke control fuIIy and check that element (3, Fig. 75). th0 ffont c8m on the choke lever stops againsf 3. Wipe carefully clean from dust and dirt inside the check, th8 lower pa_ of the clganer by using a damp __ 2-31
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America