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j P _ _ Fig. 63. Me8suring the end tlo8t 'O'U'''O _ check that the old one is not noficeably worn If '_W'V' ' Fl0. 65, Me8SUrlng tOoth tl8nk tle8r8nte the bushes or shaft are worn, replace them with _ new ones. Note that the driving shaft with gear is replaced as a single unit. o___woy_ The new bushes should be reamed after pressing= _,n w__ih a ,eame, p,ov_,ded w__ih a p_,_oi gu_,de. All oilways must be cleaned particularly care'_ully The gea__,nQ ,_,,gg ai ihe e,d, o_ ehe dei_,,ey p_,pe before the parts are fitted on the engine in order a,e made o_ gpec_,a_ ,ubbe, a,d a,e ma,,face,,ed to avoid dam8ge to the bearings, bearing journals io ve,y çioge io_e,a,çeg. uge on_y genu_,ne vo_vo and other Components. gpa,e pa,ig. The de__,vey p_,pe mugi be ç_amped To Clean the cylinder block water channels. re- _,n ,_ig ço,,eci pog__e__o, __,,gi _,, ihe o___ pump a,d moVe the core plugs and after cleaning the ehen ihe o_,_ pump a,d p_,pe iogeihe, c_amped ChanneIS and blowing them dfy, fit new pIUgS. against the block. The pump connecting flange sfouId lie flush against the block before being ______O_ _y__E_ tightened. Before being fitted, the rubber rings _ d b d on ihe p_pe can be coaeed wieh goap goiui,o, Fitting t e istri utor rive pinion since this en8bles the pipe to take up its posi- When the piston in No. 1 cylinder is at top dead tion more easily. Tap lightly on the pipe with a centre and in the firing position, tfe drive pinion _ soft mallet if necessary. for the oil pump and distributor is fitted. The _ ' __ Fig. 66. Position ot distributor drive pinion 'O''''' Fig. 64. Sealing rings on delivery pipe A=appro_. 35'' 2-27
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