Begin OCR Text:
' COncerned is fitted. The bearing shg_ _g mu,e ,oe be
SCraped and the caps must never be fi _ed i,
Order to obtain closer bea,i,g fie.
The boIts should be tightened wieh a eo,que
Wrench j see the Specifications for info,maeio,
COncerning tightening torques.
FIT7l N G 7H E REAR _eAl_ NG FlAN Ge
1 _ Make sure that the seal is in good çond ieion
and that the flange is clean. The d ,ain ho_e
m U St not be blocked by incorreçe fjeei ng of
the sump gasket. The sealing ring must noe bç
fitted in the flange.
2_ Fit on the s$aling flange but do noe eigheen ehe
_ _ bolts.
f F. _ 3_ Centre the flange with sleeve Svo _q3g. Tu,n
Ia_ _ Cgl1t__It0 thg _g8_ S$8li_g tlg_gg ehe g_eeve round wh._ _e e.jghee,._ng ehe bo_es a,d
' adjust the position of the flange if the g_eeve
do,e as p,e,.ioug_ d gç .b d _ . d. . . d jams_ Check tfat the flange comeg f_ush againse
_ Y 0 rl e _ ,ln In0 l S Car,le ehe çy__inder b_oçk on ehe u,ders.ide
_ OUt _n a SpeCial machine whe,eby ehe main bea,ing Ait i. i e. he . h k eh e h ' i
journa_g and b_ig.e,d bea,_ing 3_ou,,a_g a,e g,ound er Ina Ig enlngj C eC a t e S eeVe Çan
i .d e. _ rotate easi Iy.
O l en ICa meaSU,eme,tS. Th0S0 meaSurements, 4 F._e a new ie_e ,_,g and piaçe eh h
which are given in the Specifiçations, muge be ' ,,d ,.,,,_.,p p,,,, eh, ,. ,_. . e'' '.e. W'' .'eh
Carefully fo I Iowed ín order to ensurg çorreçt bea,- ehe ,,,e,.,;g ,i,,,, C''h,',Pk ''eh' eP'e'h' '''. Wi
ing clearance with the ready-machi,ed bea,jng engageg ., .e ' a e C''C ' P
shells. , l S 9rO OVe_
On no 8ccount must the bearing sheIls be sçraped p__oT _ EA__ N G Fo_ __uT_ H _ HAF7
or the bearing caps filed.
The fil Iees ae ehe ends of the j_,,,,,_, ,ho,id h,,, The pilot bearing circlip and proeeçeing washe,
a radiug of _.o-_._ mm (o.ogo-o._ oo__) o, a_i __o,,- are removed, the bearing pulled oue wieh Svo
nals, gee Fig. 6p. The wjdeh meagu,,me,e (A) f,, 4O9O and checked after having been washed _,
the piloe beari,g dependg on ehe gj_,, ,f eh, 3_o,,- Wh ite sPi rit. If the bearing is worn ie shouid be
nal and ghouid be ground _in o,de, eo obta_,, the replaced with a new one. Before fieei,g, paçk ehe
co,,eçe meagu,emene. bearing with heat-resistant bal _ bearing grease.
_ After g,indi,g has bee, çomplee,d, ,__ b,,, ,h,,_d The bearing is fitted with drift SVo _ q_6, aiee,
_ be carefu I Iy ,emoved f,om the ,_,_w,y ,p,,_,,g, which the protecting washer and cirçiip a,e fieeed.
and aIl the journals lapped wieh fine g,i,di,g pagee
tO the finest possible surface fi,ish. The çrank-
_ shaft shou Id then be washed. A_l ehe ojlways
i should be cleaned particu Iarly efo,ough_y jn o,de,
tO ,emove all metal ch ippings and grinding residue.
_ Moin ond big-end beorings
l n addition to standard sizeg, bea,ing ghe_ _s a,e
available in undersizes of o.o_ o__, o.o_o__, o.o3o__,
O_O4O'' and O.O5O''. The rear main bearing ghei_s
a,e provided with flanges and have a la,ger wideh
meaSurement relative to ehei, size.
If the crankshaft has been grou,d eo ehe ço,-
r0Ct meaSUrement, the co,,eçe bea,i,g çiea,a,çe ii_iij_
ie aueomatiçally obeaj_,ed whe, ehe bearj.ng ghe_l F. 2Ol73
i9_ 59_ Gtl_ding thg tlyWhegl 2 - 25