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_ P 7 3 1 5 9 ffiçk a,d ffe offe, _,,o go_, o.45 mm (o.o_g__) thick. The clearance is adjusted so thaf the thj,ner gauge can be inserted easily while the thicke, one mUst nof enter. When the piston in No. 1 cylinder is at top dead centre (the compression stroke), valves _og. 1, 2, 3 and 5 (counted from the front) are adjusted, ,_._,o and with the piston in No. 4 cylinder at top dead F,g. 43. __,g__e,_,,g geq,,,,, fo, ,y__,,de, _g,d Cent,e, VaIVeS NoS. 4, 6, 7 and 8. CYLINDER BLOCK __ighten the bolts in the correct order and foffe _eos_r._ng __ c _. d b CO,fect tofque. See Fig. 43 and fhe gpeçifiça- e Y In er OfeS tio,g. The Cylinder bores are measured with a speçja_ 4. Fit the rocke, a,m meçfan_gm. Adjugf ffe va_ve dial indicator as shown in Fig. 45. A letter is _ , ç_earançes. Fif the ofher pa_g. Stamped on each cylinder bore indíçati,g fhe 5. Run the ca, fo, a sfo,f d_sfa,çe. _feçk fhaf classification of the bore and piston (only on the engine is runn_ing we__ and ad_usf thg standard models)_ _ va_ve ç_earançeg. MeaSUring should be carried ouf af differe,f _f ig not neçegga,y to re-t,ghte, tfe çy__,,de, depths and in both the longitudinal and t,ansve,ge _ head. ' Adiusting the volve cleoronEe _ The valve clearance can be adjusted satisfaçtori_y with the engine stationary, no matter whetfer jf is Cold or warm. The clearance is ffe game for both the inlet and e_haust valves. When adjugfi,g, use two feeler gauges, one ''go'' O.4O mm (O.o16'') _' _ , Fig_ 44_ Adjusting tfe valve _l,aran,e ''O_'_'''O Fjg. 4_. _eggu,,,g __e ,y_,,der bore _''?'_' 2-2O
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