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P I _ ' SVO _O5 vOLVU _uo _og vo_vo z z____8z__ Fig 26 ffemoving the Cr8nkSh8ft gear F_ _g F_ee_ e_ h _ g _ _ ig i ing e c8ms a ear_ _ _ e3 R move the tIming QEar CaSlng S_aCken a_ _ 4 Fit a new felt ring Place the washer in pOS_- _ _ e b _e _ eh d b _ u_ ço pe o e_ ra o S or e SUmp aIl e tion and fit the Circlip CheCk that the cirClip f _ _ e d eh k e _ e car u n o_ e o amage E gaS e emoV comeS propelly in pOSitiOn_ eh _ __ as_ e and fe_e ing from e__ee circ ip w _ r r_ _ Fitthe remaining parts and tension the fan belt _ _ ' CaSlnQ. O. Make sure that the gaskets are in good condi- ion nReplOE'Ing the t'lm_jng geOr EOS'tng e' a d that the draIn ho_e iS open and C_ean . , insi1 LOOSen thE fan belt RemOVe ehe fan and PulleY ' 'de the tim_ng geal CaSIng WhICh IS tO be on the water pump fieeed_ _ a e e i i _ . _2 RemOVe ehe bO_t fOr the CrankShafe belt pulIEy 5 P_ ç fh ças'ng 'n pos_fíon and flt thC bo_tS and remove the pulley wíehoue eigheening ehem _ _ . en r .6 C f e ehe ças_ng wlth s_eeVe SVO 2438 S0f i . .g urn eF' 31 _ the s_ eve whj_e tlghtenjng and jud' e ehe os'tion of the CaSlnß So that ehEa s p _ _ s eev is . -e no )a el ' e ' mm d Check aftelfinal tIghten ing' the casing that thE SjeeVe Can be EaSI_y rotated without jamming. i a new e ri g. , __ F'e f le 'n washer and CirC_ip PUSh e m in o _reh ' t the' final pos_t_on With the Centrlng seeve ._ _ SVO 2438 CheCk that fhe CIrC_lp haS engaged in its groove . g Fitehe otherparts and tension the fan beIt See_ _ e .th SpeçIFICat_onS for the tIghtenjng tOrqUe RepIoEing the timing geors . rai1 _ 'n off ehe çoo_ane and removE ehe radIatOr ri .g '__e (noe P 12O) and thg radlator . ar y u r - -2 C r o t ope ations 1 3 _n thE prev_oUS SeC tion. v _ o __o_ me ove uvoLVU 3 R the l_ b from the crankShaff With pU__er _____9 ' F. 24 Fig. 2l. Ftting the _rankshatt gear SVO 244O_ SEe '9_ _ 2-13
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