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P R E _ A _ R _ _ _ _ R U _ _ _ O _ _ WORK WHl_H _A_ _E _ARR_ED OU_ pressure difference between the bese and W__HOU_ RE_OV___ _HE E____E worst cylìnders is 1O O/o. FRo_ _HE _AR 4_ Record the pressure obtained for each cylin- _ der unless the gauge used is of the self-regís- ueogu____g t_e _o_p_egg__o_ p_eggu_e tering type. _ R h _ 5, If the values obtained are low or uneven, meae- 1 . Un e e englne Untll Ie attainS normal operating u,._,g ghou_d be ,epgaeed afee, a gmaii amou,e temperature. Check that the air cleangr is not oi eh._çk o.,i hag bee, ._,e,oduçed .,,eo eaçh btocked. Replace the element or complete aìr çyi.,nde, ii ehe p,eggu,e .,g _ow .,, o,g oi ehe cteaner, or clean the oil-bath type air cleaner, çyi.,,de,g both w.,eh a,d w.,ehoue o.,i th._s .ig a whichever the case may be. g.,g, oi ieakj.,g vaiveg. _i ehg p,eggu,e .ie h._ghg, 2_ Unscrew all the sparking plugs. Depress the afeer ehe oii hag bee, i,t,oduçed, ie ig p,obabie _ acceIerator pedal fully and place a weight that the pigto, ,i,gg a,e wo,,. ii the p,eggu,e On it_ is low in two adjacent çyli,derg, thig probabiy , 3. Hoid a çomp,egg_o, gauge _i, ehe gpa,k_,,g p_ug means that the cylinder head gasket is dama- hoie io, fhe i;,gt çyi_,,dg,. T,,, the ,,g_,,, ged, _ round with the starter motor until the gauge ? gives a maKimum reading and repeat this pro- EIIgl_e tuItl_g cedure on the other çylinderg. The ba_e,y The en9ine Should be tuned up at regular intervals must be in good condieion in orde, to tu,, in order to obtain the best running results. The round the engine sufficienfly fast. The moge pUrpoSe of tUning up is to reset all adjustments to important point to waeçh du,i,g ehig eege ig the Correct values, as well as to obviate any troub- that the pressure between the çylinderg ig as les due to dirt in the sludge trap, deposits on uniform as possible. The maKimum pe,miggjb_e Sparking plugs etc_ 1 _ Run the engine warm and check the dwel_ angle (contact breaker gap), adjusting if ne- cessary. Replace burnt contact breaker points. Check the ignition timing with a stroboscope at the specified setting speed and with ehe vaCuum regulator disconnected. See ''Speçi- fications'' for details. 2, Check the distributor cap and clean it. C_ean _ and check the ignition cable. 3, Check the state of charge of the battery and examine termi,als. 4_ Clean the fuel pump sludge trap (strainer). _ Remove the float chamber and blow it çiga,. Fit the parts. 5_ Check and iF necessary replace the compleee . air cleaner or air cleaner elemgnts ag the case may be. If an oil-bath air cleaner is fifted, clean it. See under ''Air cleaner'' on page 31. 6, Check-tighten the intake and eKhaust mani- folds, Check that tfere are no air leakg ae _ the carburettor. 7. Adjust the vaIve clearances. Check that ehe,e is no oil Ieakage. lf the rocker casing gasket Wii____ is so compressed that the casing itself con- Fig. 22. Compr$ssiD_ test tacts the cylinder head, fit a new gasket. 2___
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