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_ P ihe pump p_unger (6, Fig. 13), located in a cy- _ 2 3 ', linder _ntegral with the side of ihe float ch_n_ber, , is actuated when pressed down by a Icver)vith a spring-loaded joint. The pump pIL1nger stroke can thus easily be varied by furning a _vast_er witl1 a cam (3). whereby the front part oT the lever is stopped by a check, higher or lower depend_ng upon the position of the washer. The last part of the rear lever section has its movement tal(en up by the spring (5) and the joint. At the inlet into the bottom of the pump barrel, fhere is an ìnlet valve (8) and at the outlet, behind the acceleration jet. there is an outlet valve (9). Thig out_e* va_ve jg fifted with a ball which lifts and closes the air hole above during the pump stroke, _ _ whereby fuel is sprayed in tl_rougl1 the accelera- i'___''LO tion jet (1O). During normal running the ball cloSeS Fig. 1f. Air cleaner with non-replace8ble element the connection from tl1e float chamber and instead _ A__,,_,,g _,__ 3. Gas_et ' allows air to pass from the air hole to the accele- a E1ement 4 Casii)g ration jet. In this way fuel is prevented from pas- _ _ sing through this jet when the pump is not operating. or *he ,omple*e air clea_1er as tl1e case may l_e. A. _ Where an oil-bath type air cleaner _s fitted_ this If C eO_ef h _d b d. *_ d ( d _ d S oU e ISman e Or SerVIClng an C eane _ The air cleaner (Figs. 14. 15 and 16) is plaCed ,(*,, wh_,,h ,,w ,_,_ _,S (;__ed ,, up *o *he ço,,e,* above the engine and funCtions both as a cleaner _e,e_. for the induction air and as an induction silencer. Three different types have been fitted, one with a F _ rep_açeab_e paper e_eme,*, o,e w_,*h g no,.,e- Ue FtU__ p_,,eab_e e_eme,e a,d o,e o( the o__-ba*h iype. The fuel pump is of the d_aph_agm type and iS ihe µape, e_emen* may not be waShed o, mo__g- d,ive, by a ,am on fhe camshaft. When the rocker *e,ed, ihe o,_y ge__,,_,,g pe,m_,_ed _,n (h_,S ,o,,e,- arm in the pump is pressed upwards by the Cam_ tion being to replace eifher the complete element _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 2 3 Cl f 6 7 _ Fig. _4. Ai_ c_ea,e, _i_h ,ep_g_egb_e pgpe, elgment Fig_ 16_ Oil-b8th Iype air CIeanef 1. Lowe, se,*ion 5 Ga__ket 1 Washer 5. Conta1ner 2 Uppe, _e,(io, G. Wi_g nut 3. Wing nut 6 Elen)_nt 3 E_emg,t i. Washer 3. Upper sectìon 7 Bolt o Ggske* 4 Lower section 8. VVasher 2 8
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