Begin OCR Text:
_ ____- _= __ _- __ _ frOm the upper channels only through the gmaii
/_ hole (1 O) at the diaphragm.
13 __ _ _ On qhg baçk of the d__aph ragm, howgver, there j.g
I_ a Conneçtion wieh ehe _owe, parq of the ve,turj_
' ' through a channel (7). When the degree of vaçuum
tO in this increases, for e_ample whg, driving quige_y
9 without any great degree of loading, ehe va_ve
_ liMs from its seat and also flowg into qhg emu_gio,
p block through the centre hole in thg valve djgç.
6 If the degree of loading ghould inçreage, fo,
e_ample during acceleratíon, thg dggree of vg-
C UUm iS d8creased and thg spring forceg the digç
s bBCk against its seat, whergby the euppiy oF air
_ d$Creases and the fuel... 'air mi_ture again beçomeg
Fig. 1__ let_ a,d g_ono_i_e, va_vg richer.
1 _ Air ch8nnels 7. Vaçuum çhgn,ei
2_ Emulsion block 8. Air jet _. A__e_EffA__o_ pu_p
3_ Compensation jet 9. Ve,_uri
_ 4. Ma
_in jet 1 o. _y-pggg ho_e When the throttle is opened quickly, there jg a
5_ VaCUUm cfannel 1 1 . Diaphragm tendency for the fuel .1'air mi_ture eo be too _ean,
' oUtlet 1 2. Vai,e _igç a çonqribueoy reagon be__ng thae aj_r moveg more
6. Air holes 13. _p,i,g . ki th f _ d eh h
4 U IC Y 8n Ue 8n uS reaC es the engine
more r8pidly.
l n order to compensate for this sudden wgake,ing
venturi. When it pagseg through ehg gmu _g_io, of the mi_ture, a certain amount of fuel is eprayed
block, the fu8l jg mi_ed with a çe_ai, amounq oF with the help of the acceleration pump direçely
8ir, whereby ie ça, mi_ mo,e egg__y wjeh ehe _argg into the carburettor venturi.
qUantity of air entering the engine th,ough the
carburettor venturi. The amounq of air guppiigd qo
the emu Ision block passes through a ho_e above
the main iet space as well as through channeIs (1 ),
/ ._ ____ _- _ _.- _ ----__, _ _
and the air jet (8). The amounf of air gdded ig
vari Bd with the help of the economizer valve.
_ The space above the compensatio, jet formg g
reSerVOir for fuel. High sp$ed meane a _arge raee
of flow_ The fuel then passes at a highgr veioçity
throUgh the fole in the wal l to qhg majn jet çha,-
nel, whereby the leveI sinkg down qo the hole
_ and an increased ai r fiow regu_eg.
_ From the 8ir channels (1 ) air ig gupplied eo tfe
three ch8nnels (6) in the wall towgrdg the gpaçe
above the main jet. Whan the fue I _gvg_ in ehig
SpaCe sinks, more air is suppl'ied and thig air ig
mixed wíth the fuel. '2 It tO 9 .._,_,o
With the help of the economizgr valve, ehe fugi,/air F_ig. _3. A__g_,,,e_,,, p,_p
mi_tUre is supplied with an e_era gmount of air 1 . F,o,e pQ,t o_ _e,e, p _p,.ing
when the d8gree of v8cuum in ehg çarbureetor 2. _ea, pa_ of _g,g, g_. i,i,t ,,i,,
venturi is large. 3, Washer for limiting g. Out_et vgive
The eçonomjzer vg_ve digç (1 _) _ig ateaçhed eo a StrOke length 1 O. Acceler8tion jet
d_iaphrggm <1 1 ) and forçed aga. t eh t b 4_ Plunger rod 1 _ . _i,k
InS g S0a y a _. _p,__,g 1 2 _eve,
Spring (1 3)_ In this posítion air gupply ig obtajned 6. pi,,g,, ' 2- 7