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_ P - through a hol8 (1 ) under the choke flap and an 8_ _ a_i, __gi (2) above ifg _id__i,g __gi 7 _ j Tfg iugi ,_a.i, m.iKtu,e .ig ço,i,oi_ed by mga,g oi a, li_ _ .id_g iu$i_ ad_.ugi.,g ,,,ew (6) b i h. f 5- tfg Fiow a,ga Iio if i i , . Y me. ain8 O W IbC 4_ r e U$ / 8lr mIK Ur$ Ca, e 3 Va,I0d_ SinCe a C0rt8i, amount of ai, pgggeg _ through thg throttl$ fI8p, the fuel,_8ir miKturg being j F$d to the gngine during idli,g will be richer if __ _._-_ the screw is screwed out 8nd lean$r ii ii ig . hi_.___ _ scrgw8d in. ,._._._ __ Tha two sm8ll holes (9) just above the throftle '__''___' flap eupply a miKture oF air and fuel wfen ife Fig_ I_ Chok$ d$_i_$ _ith _pid idli_g throttlg flap opening is rather larger Qnd thus 1 . Att8chmgnt for chokg _. _gpjd id_i_g gdjug_e_ co-opgrat$ with th$ variabl8 hole. In this way a , control scrgw smooth tr8nsiiio, jg obiai,$d. 2. Link 6. Pin _ 3. Cam (For r8pid idlinQ) 7. _pring _ _A__ __ A_D _o_pE__A__o_ __ 4. Le_er with cam slot 8. Choke Flap _ _ ; for choke Fl8p E_O_O__E_ VA_VE A Iargg part oi the fuel b8ing fed to the engine _ when it is under loading gnd running a* figf i i . f i i d sp8ed passes through the maín jet (4, Fig 1 2). 0K 0, _ Sl,Ce t e C OSl,a OrCe IS Obial,e i,Om ifg Thg mg.i, _.ei aio,g ça,,oi guppiy a guii.ç.e,i_y Spring on the choke spindle. Thi8 eliminaieg th$ weii bgia,çgd gmou,i oi iuei u,de, a_ i ço,'d'.ii.o,g risk oi 8Kcgasiuely rich fuel,_/ai r mi Kture whe, ihe oF o-pg,aii.o, a,d .,g ihe,eio,e çomb.i,ed wl.tf a ' chok8 is completely or almost_ closgd. Whgn the ,omp,,,ai.,,, _.,i (3) wh.,çh wo,k, .,n ço op,,',i.,o, li Chokg k,ob is pushed in 8gain, the choke fIap ig w.,if if, ma.,, j.ei - . iorced to opgn fully since th$ ilap lever pin (6) _,tf if,,, j.,i, ,,, i.,ii,d .,, ,, ,m,i,.,o, bi,,k (2) _ rUns in 8 groove on thg cBm-sh8ped lever. a,d opg, oui w.iif a ,ozz_e ._,io ihg çg,bu,g_o, I One of th8 cams on th$ chok8 lever (3) also aCtuates the throttla flap through th8 rapid id I_i,g sCrew (5) 8,d the link (2). This means tfgi tfe '
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