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P , Oil _ilter The oil filter, see Fig. 6, which is manufactured _ as a single unit complete with element. is of tfe fuIl-flow type and is screwed directly into the cylinder block. The oil whieh is fed out to the 3 various lubricating points in the engine first passes through the oil filter element which is made of _o SpeCial paper. In the oil fitter there iS a by-paSs 4 vafve which allows the oil to by-pass the e!cment 9 if resistance to flow should become eKcessive. When replacing the filtar the old one is disc8rded B Complete 8nd a new one fltted. 5 ______o_ _y__E_ _ 6 Tfe distributor (25, Illustratìon 1), which is driven 7 by a bgve_ gear from the çamghaft. fag botf a centrifugal and vacuum regulator. The direction _ Fig_ 5_ Oil pump of rotation is anti-clockwise and the firing order '_ 1. Drive _ph8ft 6. Strainer is 1-3-4-2. For further particulars, see Part 3_ 2. Pump body 7. Retaining clip 3. Bushes l3. Driven gear 4 Driving gear _. Spring for relief valve FuE_ _y__E_ '_ Cover 1O. Valve bafl The fuel is drawn by a diaphragm pump from the t8nk through 8 fuel filter and then fed to the car- burettor float chamber. _orb_rettor ' The engine has a lenith down-draught carburet- __ _._ ___ tor, type designation 36 VN. The carburettor is illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8. Fuel feed is controlled by fiKed jets fitted in an _ gmulsion block with a nozzle whìch opens out _ into the carburettor venturi. __he emulsion block _ ; a_go hag ajr çfanne_g so that a c8rtain amount of air can be miKed with the fuel at an early __tage_ _ The carburettor has a hand-regulated choke. rapid idljng device, acceleration pump and economIZer vglve. The function of the carburettor iS described , under the following headings. 1 . Float system. 2. Choke device with rapid idling l 2 3 4 5 6 3 _d_.ing gygtem Fig. _. OiI tilt$r ' ' ,. Ove__low valvç 4. NippIG O. Main jet and compensation )et_ _ 2. Element '_, G8_ket Eçonomizer valvg. 3. Body (cannot be di___ 6. Cyl_nder block _ _a_t_ed) 5. ACCeleratiOn pUmp_ 2-Q
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