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P 18OO Fo, lubriçating the wheel bear'ingS uSe OnIY a high quality lithiUm baSe multi-purPoSe 9r0aSe_ _ For e_eçtive greasing, a pressure greaser should be uged. Fol_ow the instructions of the m8nUfaC- turer çonçerned carefully. If a preSSUre greaaef ie not available, pgck the bearings by fand with f tf . i b t en efe Fig _. Lubrìc8ting points on body_ ag muç greage gg ere ig rOOm O, e We ' ,oller ,eeainer and inner race, Also apply 9,eaSe to thg outgid$ of the rollers and retaíners_ The d . . _ ef f b b t tfe o,te, and ;nner be lub,içated with g,eaSe When ,eCOn ItiOning_ gpaçe in e u e Wggn b d . f be,,_,,g, ,f,,_d be ii__ed wjtf greage ag gfown in __he wiper arm shafte should be lu ricate Wit F_,g,. j7 and _ g. _jght engine oil evey 5 OOO km (3 OOO mileS)_ Fi_ing jg done in gçcordanee with the inSt,UCtiOnS in Part 7. _uBRICA7l NG 7H E BODY _ _ d t .d k_ and unneçegga,y wea, _uBR_CA7lNG 7H E _pEEDo_E7E_ n o, er o avoi gqUea ing , CA_ii efe body gfouId be lubr'icated in accordance with Tf d t b_ f _d be _ b,_,çaeed about tfe ingt,uçeiong be_ow The door locks and door g gpee omg er ea e S OU U ' d b _ b . d b t eve,y _o ooo km (12 5OO miles) or once a ye8r_ It fandIe lock bUttOnS ShOUl ' ' ''''t' ' '' i ef t th b_ f _d t b _ b _çated jo ooo k (6 ooo m_,_ee) and otfer pa_g ig impo_ant a e ca e s ou no e u ri evey m in guçf a manner that lubricant can penetrate into of the body about once a y8ar_ In addition, dU,jng the açtugl instrument and impair its function_ Oil w__nte, tfe door handle locks, luggage compart- ig therefo,e unsuitable for this purpose Lubr'i- t __d _ k and pee,o_ (gaSo_ine) filling cap lock' men l OC cating should be carried out aS fOllOWS_ f _d b t eated jth a guitab_e anei f,eeze agentg ou e r w - Djgçonneçt the çablg from the speedometer and e t tf F om i,eezing up o prevgn em r _ pu_l it oue of the outer casing about 2O cm (8''), gee Fig. j6. Wipe tfe çable clean and lubricate hlo. Lubricating point LUbr_C8't it witf a thin coating of Castrol LM g,eaSe O, CO,_ _ _ t (_ d) h_ Eng_ne oi_ onne oo inges . . . . . . . . . _ ,egpondjng _ugh baCk the Cable into the OUter
Not associated with Volvo AB Sweden or Volvo Cars of North America