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P 18OO W2_L_VO0J Fig. 1l. Front wheel bearings_ l l ViOdL_,_ViO _uBRICATING THE WHEEL BEARINGS Fig. 15. Br8ke _luid cont8iners. _ b _. __a_e_ _. __u___ The wheel bearings should be cleaned and u ri- _ çated after every 4O OOO km (25 OOO m_leS), bUt in CK NG THE _RAKe FLu_D LEvEL any case at least once every other y8ar. Removin9 CHE l _ _ _ d _eh eh _ e e_ _ pa_ ig one in aççor ançe w_ e InS rUC lOnS ln Every 5 OOO km (3 OOO miles) check that the fluid 7 o_ the _ervjçe _anua_. leve_ in both tfe containers (Fig, 15) reacheS up AFe eh b _ d _ h b o,ed er e earingS an Sea S aVe een rem _ f to 15_-2O mm ('/a-'/4'') below the edge of the eh h b d h _d b eh ugh_y e u an greaSe Caps S OU e OrO filling hole_ ç_eaned. _ake gure ehae a__ o_d greage jg removed Top up it necessary with fìrst-class brake fluid from ingide ehe hub. _ompregSed air can be used which complies with specitication SAE 7O R 3_ for pre_iminary çleaning of the bearings. The Brake fluid which only fulfils fhe requirementS of bearjng pa_S are then washed in white spirit Dr speçification SAE 7O R 1 should not be uSed_ gimilar afegr whiçh ehey are gllowed eo dry. They Avoid spilling brake fluid onto the paintwork as ghould not be dried wieh çompressed air beçause this cBn cauSe damage_ ehig often contains moisture and dust particIes_ Accessible bearing parts should be wiped with LuBRICATING THE HANDBRAKE linen or cotton rags (not waste)_ CABLES A new bearing in a sealed carton should not be The handbrake çabIes should be lubricated a cleaned_ çouple of times a year. Remove fhe front and rear _nSpeçt al_ ehe pa_g çarefully afegr çleanjng. l_ attachments for the outer casing 8nd mOVe lt there are any gigng of damage, rust or blueing backwards and forwards while applying graphite on ehe bearing raçeS or rollers, replace the _ grease on the cable, see Fig_ 16_ bearing. If ehe oueer or inner rings are loose, test , with a new ring. If fhe looseness does not dis- appear, the hub or aKle respectively musf be re- placgd. The seals should be repIaced if they are _ Wofn or damaged. __ F,_g. _6. _ubr_,cgt_i_g __e _gndbr$'__'''g__'Ocgblgg. _ Fig. 18_ Rear wheel be8rings_ 1-5
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