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2732O .__ ,_
Fig. 11. Replacing air cleaner (le_t-hand drive). Fig. 13. Distributor.
1. Lubricating cup 2. Cam 3. Felt wick
AlR CLEAMERS D___R__u_oR _
On left-hand drive cars the cleaner element and h d b h _d b _ b _
T e IStli UtOr S OU e U rICated eVey 1O OOO
casing are made as an integral unit so that the k ( _ ) _ b . h f i k ( F _3)
i i d m 6 OOO mI eS . U rICate t e e t WIC 3, ig.
comp ete air c eaner should be replace and the under the fotor afm WIth 2-3 dfOpS of light englne
old one discarded after every 2O OOO km (12 5OO ._ Th e e F _ eh d. h id
.i ) Th h. b i d d _h Oi _ e COn aC SUr aCe O e Cam iSC S OU _
mi es e attac ing o ts are unscrewe an e
' be lubr_Cated with a Very thln Coating oF vaSeline.
cleaner lifted off as shown in Fig. 11. When fitting The iubr._cae.ing cup (_) ._s f._iied w._eh _._ghe eng.,ne
the new cleaner, check that the gasket is un- o.,i
damaged and that the ventilation holes come op- '
posite the corresponding holes on the carburettor, C_EA_lM_
see the figure. _HE OVERDRlVE OlL __RAlMER
On right-hand drive cars the elements should be The oil strainer should be cleaned every time the
replaced evey 2O OOO km (12 5OO miles). The wing oil in the overdrive is changed. After the oil fas
nut is unscrewed and the casing removed (Fig. 12), been drained out through the plug (Fig. 4), clean-
after which the element is replaced. Make sure ing is carried out as follows_.
that the contact surfaces forthe element are clean. 1. Remove the cover (2, Fig. 14) and take out
Be careful not to allow any dirt to get into the air the oil strainer (1).
intake or on the inside of the element. 2. Clean the oil strainer in petrol (gasoline) or
W8rning. On no ac_ount must the elements oI this white spirit. Blow dry with compressed air.
type oI air Glean$r be washed or oiled. When driv- 3. Check that the gasket (3) is in good condit́on
ing in dusty conditions it may be necessay to and place it in position. Fit the oil strainer. a __
shorten the changing intervals. new g
asket (4) and the cover. _
2732t Fjg. 1q. ffe_oving tfe overdrive oii _trginer.
F~g. 1_. Replacing the air cleaner element 1. Oil strainer 3. Gasket fDr oil strainer
(right-h8nd drive). 2. CoVer 4. Gasket for cover
1 -4